Shooting the video "If suddenly" duet "Potap and Nastya" was the end of October in Kiev. The role of the lyric song was shot on the roof of the 27-story building. How Potapov, who directed, produced, and designed screenwriter video, food has played a central role in the film, because the story is revealed during lunch main characters - played their Potap Nastya and member of the "Time and Glass" Positive. The Director of Intermedia - Potap and Nastya "I initially about what is really necessary to show, full of feelings and experiences of the characters to think -.. Your love dies, they will pretend tired and decided to open conversation this video is . a new stage in our music, it's more adult, deep and emotional "film is black and white: This step is not only to emphasize the mood of the song, but also to a better understanding of the beauty of the panoramic view of Kiev.
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