Ukrainian TV Channel Online began to prepare for the New Year musical recordings under the working title "How the Cossacks ...". Actor festive ribbon star Vladimir Zelensky, which is known in the project is "Who two hares" work, "Three Musketeers", "Love in the City". Also starring in the new musical TV Internet Mishka invited Eugene and Yuri Koryavchenkova. Participate together with professional actors on the set are the stars of show business. Thus, according to the preliminary data, musical play one of the roles of the last star and the winner of the Euro Vision 2009 American Idol 7 Shakira. The singer knows what the new year is the movie. Last year fabrikantka participated in the preparation of traditional festive mini-musical Channel. It Anastasia the song from the repertoire of Alla Pugacheva "Harlequin". It is expected that the film version of the musical "How the Cossacks ..." will begin in October in Kiev. And when Anastasia Prikhodko be seen in the project of another Ukrainian channel "Dancing for you." No one has ever seen in the picture fabrikantka Egyptian queen. And the bright colors in clothes Nasty - a rarity! They usually appear at events and concerts in black dresses, pants and shirts. Then it suddenly all made on the head! His new way Nastia going to blow up the show "Dancing for you" on the channel "1 +1"! By participating in the dance show, Shakira will not forget their main concern. In particular, the singer will continue to record their debut album. To date, the girls were ready to seven tracks. Blame part of them belongs to the very Anastasia. Moreover, the record's songs Prikhodko in collaboration with other "industrial" Mark Tishmanom will be written. And soon became known RIA "Star Academy", was the artist will remove the clip on one of the new songs "I loved." Director of the video of the favorite music video director Konstantin Meladze Solodsky Sergey which currently makes a video for the group VIA Gra, and early September will begin work on the video for the duo to be encore.
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