Vitas could never get a private concert in Voronezh. At the entrance of the city near the hotel "Sputnik" funeral actor had an accident. Machine Operators, who was walking in front of the Jeep star crashed into the bus. Thank God, all survived, although the Opera CEO Robert Kraynovicha hospitalized. Next, the singer had to get in the middle of the city unaccompanied - barely had time to peak performance. At first glance, the concert was no different than the previous: the same songs, the same business. Interesting began towards the middle. 7-year-old girl from Angelina Otradny danced with Vitas, as he sang, "Mother, give me a doll." Artist will always display the show on the stage of the child. Only recently it was natural, says: "KP-Voronezh". And this ... The audience noticed that the girl in the scene for a long time, as if waiting for a command. Compassionate woman near the guard began "miss baby gift flower" to convince. Bodyguards about thrown back, they say, mind your own business. And then stamped "finest hour" Angelina, and she went on stage. "So that's why she was here Decoy" - sadly sighed the front rows. The concert went on as usual, fans flocked to the scene. And then began the second act of "The Show": The singer's bodyguard Andrei jumped on one of them. The fact that "access to the body" doses made. Do not have time for a second to give your bouquet and a kiss on the cheek - get out! Fans lingered about guard drags Idol. A lady tried to rebel, but the man who was putting up the stairs by the federal government. And then completely abandoned brawl right in the hall! To divert attention from the unpleasant incident, rushed Vitas at the general public. What never to be missed. The audience immediately forgot the poor woman and moved to "singing" idol. And then gifts showered his pink stuffed animals, each other more. Bear the size of a singer with two people (last year a celebrity has taken pink to be the same from Voronezh giant rabbits). A bouquet just do not fit in the hands of Vitas. All colors, like last year, he threw in the locker room! And wearing dark glasses, "star boy" went to the "Mercedes", which brought him to the station. This time, travel costs without incident.
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