C 5-8 May in the center of "House" festival of the "Alternative 19: music in real time." His goal - unification of all the "vanguard" of trends in world music, post-rock, the "free jazz" and high- tech sound creation. About the festival, its objectives and participants said NEWSmusic.ru the organizer, known music critic Dmitry Ukhov. In 2003, after the death of a young composer and singer Albina Stoyanova (Stephen), we have decided to make a memorial evening Albina. Aesthetically, it was joined with the Association of Contemporary Music, the second Alternatives to order-95 composed his most famous work "A trill." Cooperation with the Theremin Center, has a professional singer was busy in the United States is not characteristic for our electro-acoustic text-sound composition. Sang only his music. Played by Svetlana Savenko (soprano) and Olesya Rostov (piano) and named Ensemble Music Academy Ippolitov-Ivanov, almost all her works, including "A trill." The main headliners - American band "SPOOKY actions». I found them by accident. Read a jazz magazine on the Internet and saw stuff about band playing music of Anton Webern. Found their address, website, wrote. Willingly and reacts to come here. This project is a guitarist and also a professor at Princeton University, Bruce Arnold - esoteric experimenter, to the completely over, it seems, are not subject to new jazz improvisation material from Gregorian Chants of Hildegard von Bingen, and Native American ceremonial chants for Blues twelve-tone system (with our famous French garmoshechnikom-Coeur takes Urio) and even serialism of Anton Webern. One of the musicians indeanke married, and so the role of Indian music in her work is great, and they even remove certain amount of revenue to fund some Indian villages. I think. That here, at my request, they still play Webern, two string quartets and up-and twelve-tone twelve-tone In jazz, there are Indians, but no experience interacting with white musicians with their culture. On an actual virgin, "SPOOKY actions" - this is the first attempt of this interaction. But most importantly, at the festival, we want to organize such a system, the musicians play, do not leave. And it would be the end of the festival. And at the end of the festival "Alternativa" we want a non-jazz jam session with the participation of all, without exception, the festival. There is a computer music, it is an academic voice, invite someone, the folklore groups have Prigov performansisty Vinogradov. Is mezhzhanrovaya collective improvisation, and it should be interesting. The question NEWSmusic.ru if it reminded you a general idea that unites these very different projects, Dmitry Ukhov began "alternative". 1988, change, and then stood in opposition to the festival around the bureaucracy. Was the Jazz, in particular that does not fit into the common framework, and then became known as minimalist. In 1992, the festival was not held because all Union collapsed structure, and followed him "Soyuzkontsert." In 1993, the festival was revived. In May 1999, opened the festival, "alternative" center "House." The idea of the festival has been found in the most extreme, the most radical experiments on the question of sound. Without connotations, without pre-recorded audio files. No fixed number of sound. There are a variety of new jazz course. Folklorization bit, a little bit of computer music. We gather them together. PROGRAM. Festival ". ALTERNATIVE 19 Music in Real Time", 05-08 May 2005, Cultural Center DOM, concerts start at 19.30 clock on 5 May FIGROKI Ads e Ensemble (St. Petersburg), Nikolai Sudnik next project - the leader of the legendary Soviet underground "RSA". Of 6 to 1 part D.UHO memorial evening Albina Stoyanova (Stefan) Five short essays electronic Albina Stoyanova romances "Poem Night" and "Rifmologion" by Svetlana Savenko - soprano Olesya Rostov - piano, chamber work "A Trill" for clarinet, violin, cello and piano by Ensemble Music Academy named Ippolitov-Ivanov Electronic Works performed: 1.Biryulki (1994) 2 Rockefeller (1998) 3 Unseen Voices (1996) 4 Demon (1997) 5 Music Box (1998) Video (Electronic Works) - Andrew Topunov More Albina-Stefan Stoyanov studied (1969-2003) at the Moscow Conservatory as a composer and a post-graduate studies (graduate) from Dartmouth College with a degree in electroacoustic music is a founder sinklavira John Appleton. Aesthetically was connected with the Association of Contemporary Music, the second Alternatives to order-95 composed his most famous work "A trill." Cooperation with the Theremin Center, has a professional singer was busy in the United States is not characteristic for our electro-acoustic text-sound composition. The evening is almost all of her works have 2 part Zubel Agatha (Agata Zubel) - vocals, piano to dissect, electronics Cezary DUHNOVSKI (Cezary Duchnowski) - voice, electronics (Poland) Composer duo Starring Agata Zubel - Cesaria Duhnovskogo. Together - winner of the competition electro UNESCO (Rome 2004). Composer and singer Agata Zubel - one of the most important figures in contemporary Polish music, winner of several composers competitions in Poland and abroad (including the name Jurgenson in Russia). As a singer plays music of many contemporary composers - from the classics of the 20th Century, Luciano Berio, young experimenters electronics (his partner Cesaria Duhnovskogo, Austrian Bernhrda long, Brazilian Alfredo Vina). 7th May / new jazz / Haunted House Group SPOOKY ACTION (USA) Variations on a Theme by Anton Webern name Spooky Actions ("Ghostly Effects") - Little is known here Eyntshteyna sentences so described the behavior of elementary particles, compares them with the macrocosm. This project is a guitarist and also a professor at Princeton University, Bruce Arnold - esoteric experimenter, to the completely over, it seems, are not subject to new jazz improvisation material from Gregorian Chants of Hildegard von Bingen, and Native American ceremonial chants for Blues twelve-tone system (with our famous French garmoshechnikom-Coeur takes Urio) and even serialism of Anton Webern. Despite this, and the non-traditional improvisational style, even very conservative jazz magazine Down Beat were two trio albums highest rating. Last program Ensemble Bruce Arnold will show in Moscow. Sun 8 / new improvised music / band 1otdelenie Prince Myshkin (Minsk) - ". Zartipo" improvisational guitarist Leonid Narushevich project at one time head of post-rock band Among others began a columnist for "Moscow News" Yury Vasiliev as pianist, "Prince Myshkin" ... 2 Department Dmitry Prigov, Iraida Yusupova, Alexander Dolgin video Opera Project "Russia" (featuring Vaska the cat and its owner Herman Vinogradov) "Sizif" (World Premiere), "book" (Performance Dm.A.Prigova and Iraida Yusupova with "Live "Video of Alexander Dolgin, premiere). 3 Department mezhzhanrovaya collective improvisation of the festival
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