Monday, July 1, 2013

Philip Kirkorov to a bone marrow transplant

For the salvation of the People's Artist Philipp Kirkorov Russian doctors capital Hematology Center of RAMS are prepared based on the latest international methods of bone marrow transplantation. Such treatment can save lives of patients in 90% of cases. Philip Moscow hematology center of the top three medical facilities in the world that specializes in the treatment of cancer of the lymph nodes. Recently, the specialists have a new method to control a serious illness, introduced based on a bone marrow transplant, radiation and chemotherapy. - When Philip Bedrosovich we applied, we will do everything we can to help him overcome a serious illness - says: "House" gemotsentra doctor. - We have a large experience in the treatment of such patients. A full recovery is not guaranteed, but will prolong life. Treatment Recall Monday Bedrosovich Philip was in Moscow on a survey of Kashirke Cancer Center, where he was the presumptive diagnosis. Lymphoma of Now the doctors are waiting for the biopsy results, final diagnosis and determine the nature of the disease. So there are three known types of the disease: lymphoma, Hodgkin's disease and lymphosarcoma. - Experience shows that successful treatment of this disease requires a bone marrow transplant - says oncologist. - We have fully healed examples of this complex after the procedure, patients. Immediately upon receipt of all test Kirkorov Cancer Center gather a council of top professionals that provide a definitive diagnosis and determine the method of treatment.

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