Shooting video for a song from the album of the common Andrei Makarevich and "Creole Tango Orchestra" will be on 22 October held. Ekraniziruemaya song, and the next disc has not yet received the final name. Andrei Makarevich in not appear, but will closely monitor what happens on the set of director, is Kuritsyn Eugene, with whom "kreoltsam" never worked. Video recording is in one of the office buildings in the metro station "Dinamo" take. Press Attaché team Svetlana Gudezh said Intermedia, the protagonist of the video that will be a beetle crawling on the table. The living room (not animated) insects deploy hunting son of the leader "Time Machine" Ivan Makarevich. "In this way, according Clipmaker, the main theme will be the commercial struggle for the survival of the beetle" - said Mrs. Gudezh. Neither the participants Creole Tango Orchestra "and Andrei Makarevich in not appear, although the frontman will monitor closely with the producers of the album Vladimir Matetskiy what happened on the set." For me, the greatest mystery of how they are made. Especially when you consider that the soundtrack songs are not recognized "- shared spokesman" "kreoltsev record the band had planned 10 to 20 November at London's Abbey Road Studio (see Music of 9.27 and 8.10.07) After.. Svetlana Gudezh, after returning from the UK, the artist only six days to go to press the plate, - album release is scheduled for December 6. The disc release record label "Nikitin" is.
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