Charges Russian Authors' Society (RAO) for the first time decreased: in 2010, they declined by 3% to 2.694 billion rubles, of which the owner has been transferred 1.55 billion rubles .. For payments in the past year saved broadcasters to make the payment "original." Not with total sales, but only with advertising revenue Other organizations may not boast increase fees. In the fourth part of the Civil Code, which entered into force on 1 January 2008, six areas of action for the collective management of copyright and related rights. Manage recharge ie receive and distribute royalties, non-profit organizations, state accreditation. Previously worked with 8th accreditation Rosokhrankultura August 2011 its powers were transferred to the Ministry of Culture. In 2008-2009, the department has been accredited to work in five areas of the three organizations - RW, All-Russian Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and the non-commercial partnership for the protection and rights management in the arts (NP UPRAVIS) and in October 2010 was last accredited garbage - The Russian Union of Owners (CPR). The largest contributions are traditionally gathers RAO (founded in 1993, founder Yuri Antonov, Andrei Voznesensky and other artists were). According to the company in 2010, had his charges. 3.01% to 2.694 billion rubles In this case, back in 2009, the increase was 28.6% (see chart) in 2008 to 40.6%. Previously, the growth has been achieved through new contracts with major network companies, but in 2010, the company had to switch to smaller users, says the CEO of RAO Sergey Fedotov. But one of the main reasons - to reduce revenue from stations have agreed preferential rates, he said. Agreement with the National Association of Broadcasters (NAT), limiting the maximum bet on copyright fees of 2% of the total income of the radio station to 2% of the advertising revenue, was signed in late 2009. In this case, after Rospechat advertising brought in 2010, the Russian radio station, only 71% of sales and 10.3 billion rubles. (The rest - grants, information services, sales of rights, etc.). Thus, in 2010, paid all fees for broadcasters working in the broadcast or cable news dropped from 10.04% to 658.242 million rubles, which is almost a quarter of the financial flows RAO -. 24.44%. The majority of waste (42.35%) are the fees for the public performance of works, increased by 0.21% to 1.84 billion rubles. Of these, 699 thousand rubles. Account for the so-called "big law", that is, plays, ballets, operas, operettas and musicals, and more rubles 1.141 million -. for "small", that is pop music. In 2010, RAO distributed 2.269 billion rubles. (Part of the payment to the following year moved), of which 1.55 billion rubles., Or 68%, it took owners. Other 200 216 000 rubles. was withheld in taxes and 518,932,000 rubles. was spent on waste collection, distribution and payment of royalties. Recipient of 1.273 billion rubles. were Russian individuals and legal entities, as well as the author organization (Independent Agency copyright Public Agency for the protection of intellectual property, etc.). Other 277 724 000 rubles. went to foreign partners, including the largest recipient was the organization of the American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers - she owed 36,909,000 rubles. United States (founded in 2008 by Sergey Fedotov, Yuri Antonov, Eduardo Gil and others) succeeded in 2010 to collect, only 426 914 000 rubles., About 18% less than last year, said WIPO Director General Andrey Krichevsky. This mounts in the same year was paid 154.93 million rubles. End of 2009, WIPO has also reworked its relationship to the radio stations, and invited them to the maximum rate of 1.4% instead of 3% previously collected. CPR (founded in 2009 RAO, WIPO and the Union of Cinematographers Nikita Mikhalkov), the work in 2010, only had a little over two months, has collected in this time 38 million rubles., Although the potential volume of payments is estimated at 3 billion rubles. Year. CPR continues to be in agreements with manufacturers and importers of recording techniques and media in late August an agreement with mobile operator MTS has signed to import equipment for mobile communication, in July - with the "Vector", the importer Lenovo and Asus. Finally UPRAVIS (founded in 2008 with the establishment of Peter Konchalovsky, the National Organization of Art Experts and company "Art Consulting") in 2010, again, nothing gained. "Unfortunately, the benefits of trying to avoid not only private auctions and galleries, but also the State Russian Auction House" - complains UPRAVIS CEO Denis Lukashin. According to him, the first approval came only in 2011, now UPRAVIS preparing legal action against the debtor. "Kommersant"
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