"The film 'Green Theatre in Zemfira" is a record of the year "- the singer Zemfira Ramazanova said yesterday during the presentation of films in the St. Petersburg Theatre" Aurora Rosbalt-Petersburg "," As the correspondent of IA. " says divas take the first full-length musical movie -. it is a very ambitious project, "It's not my nature to be humble," - said of the film's main character, "I am interested in large-scale strong personality". , - added the director and producer of the film, Renata Litvinova, explains the idea of the project This film Litvinova "Green Theatre in Zemfira." - has really become a concert chronicle the songs played Ramazanova, 8th June 2007 at the Green Theatre hits.. However, they have played in the new version "Green Theatre in Zemfira." - the first in the history of the domestic film musical feature film (76 minutes), based on video recordings of a concert, this is the first experience in the music Renata Litvinova. film. actress and director has not only a movie, a concert, but a relief, partly created portrait of the mysterious Russian singer of the last decade. Besides fine clear musical numbers assembled in the film are monologues Zemfira. They had never been in front of the lens as open . "Maps formed so that we roll from St. Petersburg, one of my favorite cities" - Renata Litvinova said at the press conference after their lead, turned film-portrait, in which a dozen songs Zemfira alternates with interviews, director and singer. . "Working with Zemfira - very lucky. Our collaboration began with the "goddess", and I was invited to the singer in his next directorial venture ... "- Says Renata film was" wildly on a modest budget, "It is assumed that he would go to a number of festivals but after Litvinova she knows .. only in the world of musical film festival, which takes place in France, she believes, it would be good to organize a musical kinoprazdnik and Russia at the last minute was made a press screening, the journalists decided to run into the room with all -. free of unsold seats were missing Zemfira and Renata Litvinova at the movie looked out the balcony , drinking champagne.
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