At the opening of the prestigious exhibition "Millionaire Fair" scandalous actress Renata Litvinova came with scratches and bruises on his right cheek. Fortune, as Renata tries to hide the wound by inserting a layer of foundation. If we Actress Ethnicity abrasions asked them a little embarrassed, and grabbed the cheek. - I do not want to talk about it - said a section Litvinov Renata tries to hide the wound under the most impressive layer foundation a photo "TD" What happened to the face of a famous actress, and stayed.. puzzles. It is terrible to imagine it ... signs of a stroke It's so you can just press the left hand. Moreover, a close friend Renata Zemfira, as you know, left-handed .... Scandal visit Exhibition Renata began with a scandal. Litvinov, was dressed in a light summer dress and shoes for the cold to go walking from the parking lot. Curovye security guards did not allow her to drive the car to the entrance. And it's about spoiled actress capricious mood. - Renata is not present in spirit - said "TD" she accompanied artist Vladimir Clavijo-Telepnev the exhibition of which Litvinov awarded With the notable curiosity exposed to luxury Renata assured us that it is a society of millionaires promote itself, alas, can not. . - you know, I just litsezreyu all the luxury of - added Litvinov -. Assign one of them I have not possible Recall that recently struck Zemfira groupie, and their concerts are canceled one by one..
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