Who came from a tour Zemfira as "MC", and explained that he wanted to renounce publicly their due reward "Best Video of the Year" (for the film "Blues"). In Zemfira for such drastic measures are good reasons. Summary - questioned the fairness of the vote. It can not, they say, win the "Performer of the Year" in a black eye rather weak, so to speak, singer Jasmine (the nomination, we remember: Alsou, Zemfira, glucose and Zhanna Friske). For us it is considered neutral, "Mega House" decided the following:. Insert the next two views of the ceremony, the music is a true reflection of the situation in the country Editor and general producer of MTV RMA'05 Ilya Bachurin: - Last year, Jasmine released three super hits: "The most beloved," "How I need you," and "Indian Disco". Over three months, the songs were consolidated in the top positions radiochartov agency "tour." Their music videos are played on the length of stay in the air longer than any other artist videos. Jasmine concert that we did not even advertised and special air of the night, gave the rating to four times higher than average. All this says one thing: that the audience tastes residents within the Garden Ring and the inhabitants of these regions are very different. Jasmine consistent with the trend of mass consumption. Pop music, perhaps not much loved by someone, but certainly acceptable for most. What makes Zemfira - copyrighted works, absolutely sincere, comes from within. And it can not be, everything is nearby. And respond clearly. In Zemfira much more loyal fans, but at the same time, the general public is much smaller. In the "Rock Project", for example, in fixed Zemfira the leadership for a week before. The results of the vote But then suddenly there was an explosion on the ballot literally "beast." It's that time of the comparison simple and complex music. The song "Drink more" became very popular. Large chunks of the audience grow more. Dedicated fans Zemfira began to dial effective immediately - and she jumped as soon as all of the above categories (except for "Artist of the Year" Zemfira as "Best Song" category - "Walking" in the "Best Rock Project" and in the main category of "Best Artist"). But towards the end of the voting awake awake vague audience vote for the others. This is the logic of events. Audience "niche" music is always much smaller potential audience pop artist. - And why, for example, in America, in a similar ceremony local MTV month, almost all figures raking hard rock band Green Day? - America - the country with the richest tradition in the world of rock music. On the one hand. And on the other: Green Day in the current sound - just pop project. He and we have to do something in the forefront, not because it is punk rocker, dissolved itself. They just sounded very cheesy. They have a hard luggage, thrash albums, enjoyed once popular with the audience. But now they were listening to the public domain. Become pop music. - What does "pop" in your understanding? - The product is ethical, and musical boundaries, not separated from the wider public. Zemfira - it also because pop music. If you want, you can hear it and understand it. A "niche" music requires some background information about the person is ready. Let's say some harsh gothic rock. And a return to Green Day - is an entirely different musical culture of the country and a very different music market. His average is that Green Day is in America, the hero. And our CD is now such that the most important male singer - accounting, and performer - Jasmine. Here we have a psychological situation. - An advanced music channel is should not attempt to teach the masses more subtle taste, not continue to operate on the assessment? - We do only play artists like Zemfira Dolphin. They reviews unimportant, but we will still have their turn. Because it's music with a capital letter. It is very difficult now moves on MTV creativity Ilya Lagutenko. He makes music for the music, and he was tough. If we only looked at the reviews, we do not usually like to play. But it will never be. While showing great layers of new music in the air is impossible. New music - always hard to read. Return to Zemfira. Almost all of her videos we always in rotation, although increased their guests rarely above average. But we played for a few months, they say, "to the teeth": no - though still stands. No other artist ever, we would not hold the air in this way. It is a feeling of deep respect and a sense that MTV should have different music. Category "Video of the Year", which won Zemfira - the only one that audience is not collected, and the Advisory Board, consisting of representatives of the industry. And therefore has the thinnest, most aesthetic, most artfully crafted video. - I understand that Zemfira learned a few days before voting ceremony, asked (If this had been a disposition pop) you will not take no nomination at all, in order to distance itself from the price. Ignored her request. Why? - It is impossible to remove the song from the ballot due to the fact that the artist wants. So it does not do. Artist in the nomination not because he wanted to put it, but because they choose. And why is the opinion of the Board is (200 people: the leading music critics, producers, leaders and radio stations, record companies) are to be recognized Zemfira best ignored? Now throw its full (and indeed the right of an artist), to recognize the ceremony unworthy and "doll" This nagraditelnuyu trashed. It is very sad - but what can you do, it is their right. - As you know, many doubts about the integrity of the resulting outcome of your vote. If someone suddenly go on the principle and try to check again to count all of these voices - is that possible? - Hypothetically - yes. Although this is never done. Control is us. For it is the story of our own channel. Doubt can be dispelled only to deceive authority MTV and our lack of motivation for the audience. We do not "own" artists pets. And if by some record labels, we say, we communicate closely, it does not mean we do not play other artists labels. - Well, Jasmine to win this, for example, they say: her husband - the owner of a chain of "Eldorado". And if not bags of money have decided this question, some of the advertising volume or something like that ... - We have no commercial relationships with manufacturers of Jasmine. Only his money is not an obstacle for them to sing. Although her first time actually missed in esters for this reason: We know, we know their paymasters. But it proved that his music format may be of interest to the public. Suppose channel RTR has special studies in 300 cities "recognition" of the artist. The result is: Jasmin recognition - 98 percent, followed by - Alla (95 percent per year). Other - by far is much lower. - One more time, call into question the results of the ceremony. Do you have a sudden nomination "Opening of MTV." Aside from the fact that there is a category "Debut". And "open" are completely unknown and obscure people. Where is it? - In the "Debut" won Lera Masskva. She made only one hit in the last year, but agreed. Opening the same - it is the artist who has not yet been done, but in a subjective view management MTV, has a good chance. That is, we give him a pardon. Quite frankly, we believe that a group of "FPS" has great promise. I checked these guys at the "Star" in the summer, they have a very Americanized rock. Now they have made video for a remake of the song "Come Together". He pulled his Finnish filmmakers, "In The Shadow" made "Rasmus". In general, we seem to have given the letter: "We believe in you." While we can easily overlook. - Strange, as a group, singing the Americanized rocks producer Joseph Prigogine was listed, and the songs they write is going Victor Drobysh author masterpiece "watch" ... - The songs they write themselves, but the real impacts Drobysh regulations. And it will be different, what it does for the singer Valeriya and general pop market. He grew up on rock music, very well versed in it and love it. Drobish grabbed the guys on the "Five Stars" and decided they almost tie with pop. - Here is another sore point about being "Umaturman." After all, according to the reviews and sales charts "Umaturman" - the main characters of the previous year. Depending on the number of trips, individual shows, album sales ... MTV and gives them not everything. - Music Format "Umaturman", close to the bard, chanson, making them very popular for communication on the short arm (if you're doing a party, it is unlikely that you would like to join Roma Beast and shouted " drinks stronger, "and two guys with a guitar is) pretty accurate. There really is a huge demand. But it is to them and ruin: a svoyskosti and chanson in some audiences, they win and the other lose. You do that, the plastic products not used sincerely humble "Umeturman." Is They are after the first hit as the people who placed the bard music. And that's the problem. Zemfira gone by the time very seriously holders. Even though now with a guitar and sing a lot more popular. But for them it is very important wrapper. In "Umaturman" Wrapped all bad, they have a very selfish attitude: everything they do, they say, is very cool. But I think that will be a year or two they have to make the music more fashionable and more densely arranged. - You have completed the ceremony performance of the national anthem of the nine semi-chorus pop artist ... It is in the new concept opolitizirovaniya show business, starting now, broadly put into practice? - No way. I wanted to order everything sounded very hard to make it even more guitars. No kowtowing to the power in this room was not for us. It is only strong and a great idea - an anthem in the final. Why do we need to bow to the power of something? Vasilevsky descent to us, and so let him. ZEMFIRA: - I am officially abandoned the price RMA-05 ("Video of the Year"). Because to know in advance (and not on the day of the ceremony) on the results, I realized that it is all fiction. But doing nothing was impossible, because I excused myself on tour in another country. And to deny me my request, this award MTV not pay any attention. - What do you mean mean by the term "fiction"? - I somehow belonged MTV unlike any other music channels. Due to the fact that we set up a kind of relationship. Well, then - I do not dive. I never went to the awards. And, of course, last year's MTV ceremony I (sang with members of "Queen" Brian May and Roger Taylor Zemfira "We Are The Champions" in the last RMA-04) with only those two guys from the world-famous band together. And I was not interested in what. Appointing that give it But this year, it turns out that I was there vlipla on the tonsils. And the fact is that I am myself to be among the winners, and I used to refuse the prize. - What is your major disappointment? The fact that the "Artist of the Year," said MTV, Jasmine, and this result seems questionable you? - When I found out the results of the vote - for me, a lot of them seemed doubtful. A major disappointment: that man asked him not at the price - and no one pays attention to him. I asked him, not for me to participate in any council delivery cabal. And I would not wash dirty linen in public, when I listened to at least someone. - MTV says total victory in all categories of pop artist that is the mass audience definitely prefer pop anything. - I'm not too lazy, went online to read reviews. And, oddly enough, for any reason, the Internet is not considered channel MTV and its audience. When you click Add to this scandal on the eve of the ceremony with the ballots. When it was found that the journalists - the members of the board, no one bothered to grab this completed ballot ... - Well, that's bulletin sent me a courier ... - Have sent for you, and half of the "experts" do not ... And then I read your website from time to time and a little familiar with the system of Internet voting. They had a very wrong choice is: that's when you push an incredible amount of time. There are not controlled by any computer on the IP, nor the other. So you sit and push themselves. Accordingly, fans ask the question: How much can you choose and how you will do it calculated? And I tried to mediate when we the office of MTV: some polls are correct. Here on the site, "Radio Maximum", Chart.ru has genuine vote: You can vote only once per week with a computer. But to say on MTV, I for some reason, began that, even at the EMA (European Prize MTV) is exactly the same. And on Muz-TV is even worse. These were the arguments. This is all fiction: Newsletter is voting. And plus I know about it is a three-year rivalry between the "ARS" (Muz-TV) and Channel (very condescending MTV). And this, in my opinion, already knows the whole country and has stopped responding. But the concept is the essence in this situation, companies struggle Artist as a unit that can bring an opinion to express, not anything of himself. Therefore, besides the fact that I'm not allowing that price, I suggest, in principle, not paying attention to all of these meetings. ZEMFIRA: Usually with MTV, I met six years ago. Directly with some seniors. And I must say, at the moment at MTV had a human face. Now it's just plastic.
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