Until recently ended all attempts to find the first love Zemfira in nothing. People who knew the future star, excitedly claimed that during adolescence, Ufa, a time of love had serious interests. In Zemy allegedly had different goals - it was demolished to Moscow. Some light on the relationships with men Ramazanova "EC" shed Ufa famous guitarist Jalil Mukhametshin. Zema years, he took guitar lessons. - Ramazanova first love was her classmate in Ufa Art College Vlad Kolchin. With him in the mid-nineties, she earned her living in Ufa trendy restaurant "Zhespar" Lenin Street. Kolchin Zema played saxophone and sang and played guitar, - told Jalil. - The capital Zemfira pretty, with large, expressive eyes guy did not just friendship, only close friends. To understand what to look for a girl in love, it was enough just to be accurate. But do not burn with passion Vlad, that's for sure. He took advantage of her feelings, plucked, so to speak, a flower, and went to Peter. Zemfira with him not called. She was very nervous, but tried not to show the form. I think she has not forgiven him yet. From this history, it is clear that Kolchin - only candidate for the position of the first man in my life Zemy. No other nominations. But after a false start Zemfira not immediately ran solace in the arms of women seek. She tried at least a couple more times. Second love was the director of the future stars of the "Europe Plus Ufa" Sergei Anatskaya. Later, she dedicated a former chief of the pathetic shrill songs - ". Cigarettes" But office romance was doomed from the start. Sergei was quite happily married and his wife did not change on an ambitious colleagues. The role of chief consoler Ramazanova was again rejected colleagues - engineer Arkady Muhtarovo. Pair held a radio studio a sleepless night, they say, face to face: Mukhtar helped future star made her first demo. For a time they lived together, and when Zemfira moved to Moscow, he went after her. Arkady worked Zemfira official website, and later starred in the title role in the film 'Macho', where terr entrusted him with the role of the hero-lover. Unfortunately "drunken macho treated me and cry" to the words accurately characterize the nature Mukhtarov. For more information, he was not able. "Vest" will turn out much better than the lover. That's right, three times men scalded Zemfira they crossed out of my life. At least not yet. By the way, with her friends situation is almost the same. And Kalmanovich and Perov and Litvinov tried to calm down, as expected, but disappointed in the people loved Zemfira.
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