Monday, February 4, 2013

Zemfira was stage-diver

In a solo concert at DK Gorbunova Zemfira finally realized their dream. While the song "forecasters" Zemfira ran away, jumped up and .... jumped into the space directly to the heads of the fans. Jumped into the place where Zemfira began a shambles. Singer was arrested from different sides of the dress. Ran to the stage manager and security personnel. Zemfira tried to organize a dance to the fans, but the crowd (the concert was all sold out) did not work. Out of breath, difficulty actress pulled back on the scene. Zemfira looked very happy. She took the microphone and vokliknula: "true my dream, this is a first in my life, Stage Diving But some irresponsible citizens grabbed my hips, I was counting on a tour of the space.". At a time when Zemfira jumped on the stage, could be heard gasping Renata Litvinova, who sit at that time on the balcony with Artemy Troitsky and Alexander F. Sklyar. Renata covered her face, but took her hands, back when Zemfira also from the crowd. Sun Zemfira was a real stage-diving. And was baptized on the legendary Gorbushka. And helped her to a qualified scuba diver off the stage traditional glass of cognac drunk courage on stage become. Vadim Ponomarev,

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