11th March "Star Academy 6" said the 5-year anniversary. This time they decided to meet at a karaoke "Rasputin". Unfortunately, for a number of reasons, had come some former "factory" is not able to. Among those who have seen come Arseny and Alexei Borodin Corzine (group "Chelsea"), Julia Lysenko (Yulik). The winner of the project Dmitry Koldun for the evening with his brother George granted. Madame Janette This time was accompanied by the legend of Soviet cinema Svetlana Svetlichnaya. The actress quickly fit into the company manufacturers and even danced when the boys began to sing. Manufacturer missed each other - it's so wonderful when you, as representatives of the same profession, have a great tradition - get together every year. But I can say with precision, will still be together for a long time, and soon stopped completely. All of these school supplies are very fast, and gradually have for each other will disappear completely, - frankly Svetlana Afanasevna. Overall, the evening without incident. The artists were at each other, a lot of singing joke. - All the children for me - very close people - says Madame Janette. - Honestly, I miss them, as if we're related. For me, this annual meeting as New Year, Christmas. And I'm sorry that we did not get any reason to put together the whole time, you can not, and some just do not want to. 11th March "Star Academy 6" said the 5-year anniversary - Anniversary release of "Factory" - this is an excellent opportunity, at least once a year - said Arseny Borodin. - To sit together, relax, to remember the past. And in general - the older we get, the more we will become more interesting to watch each other. O. Miloslavskaya A., Master, "Showbiz News NEWSmusic.ru»
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