Saturday, March 23, 2013

"Freedom Bunker" as a children's musical success stories "from scratch"

In the theater Et cetera premiere children's musical "Freedom Bunker" with songs Dmitry Bikbaeva and Elena Kiper. The idea seems to be utopian - to the children to take for a month and nuclear scientists to fully-fledged musical. But it turned out, almost everything, and for the third time - this time in the Third International Children's Art Project NucKids gave a surprisingly mature creative product. Children from Russia, Ukraine, Vietnam, India and Bulgaria not only speak different languages and with different emphases. But few have the vocal and dance training. Project author Sergey Novikov managed to teachers and writers who were literally "from scratch" to find a full-fledged teenager perform on stage. I had to do the negative (- often positive) Soundtrack to understand to minimize dramatic moments Russian very bad, but not noticeable to the average person. In a crowded kalyaginskom Et cetera was full, in every respect, the children musically. Exterior - the industry: dark hallways, barrels, boxes, short, am as it is. In addition, a dozen at least two pop songs - can "Butterfly" (the words of Dmitry Bikbaeva, music Bikbaeva Dmitry and Alexander Mikhaleva) and "I'm with you" (music and lyrics by Dmitry Bikbaeva) fully hits for big stage. Have seen a lot of musicals, but at times, and a potential hit, they rasslyshish. And then - just two. There were also excellent singers, more specifically, the singer. Increases, velvety, rich-timbral - Great jazz vocal enthusiasm in "Song of the three CAC" Maria Baranova (Nizhny Novgorod). Widely separated vowels strong attack sound - Great jazz vocal showed in "Song of the three CAC" Maria Baranova (Nizhny Novgorod) and unexpectedly excellent ethnic singing, a short poluvokalizom polupesenkoy admired singer Eugenia Popova (from Glazov) enjoys clever phrasing and ground sounds. Lolita came to the premiere, but not to comment on anything. But Dmitry Bikbaev you about how you record video with the children, the underground bunker in the Tagansky, and what he may be talking about a musical director and producer. Dmitry Bikbaev sang in the finale of the show in the near future with the team NucKids musical "Freedom Bunker" go on tour in Vietnam. And live songs from the musical - is, as always, the time. Guru KEN Photo - Svetlana Maltseva, Showbiz in Photos More photos of the musical "Freedom Bunker" Three waves Laktionova Natalia, Hope and Mary Molokanova Zaika (all - Sosnovy Bor) Bikbaev Dmitry Dmitry Bikbaev in the last show and the whole team NucKids

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