Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Valery Leontiev himself altered blood

The famous singer Valery Leontiev in Spain made a purified blood transfusion. 57-year-old Valery Yakovlevich experiment continues on her looks and body. Leontiev suffered more than a plastic surgery, opted for a new trial. To at least slow down the irreversible process of aging, received the Spanish artist hospital for a transfusion. Leontiev suffered more than a plastic surgery, opted for a new trial in one of the private clinics were in the suburbs of Valencia Valery Yakovlevich with his wife Lucy. He had an appointment with renowned endocrinologist. Leontiev first perform a full physical examination and took all the necessary tests before the operation to assign a blood transfusion. The essence of this method lies in the fact that the patient's blood is removed, and after the action of UV light back cast. On assurance of doctors, after the first session, the blood is thinner and the heart must actively refuse. Sun irradiation of blue light stimulates the heart. - Valerie again after the procedure took a blood test - recognized "TD" a close friend of the singer Alexander Bogdanovich. - He showed that concentrations of low blood cholesterol and blood sugar. In addition, the doctors told him that wanted to boost immunity, as well as a slowing of the aging process, the Valera. The Spanish singer hospital for about a week and also spent the day visiting spa and observe the recommended diet for him to cleanse the body of toxins. - After a week in Spain, Valera was that his condition has improved, and stopped continuous pain in the heart area, - says his friend. Recall that the last time the singer repeatedly complained of heart pains, and after the concert in Sochi, he even asked for help from doctors who were at his speech. Because of the hot weather and mental stress in a stuffy room, Valery Yakovlevich suddenly ill. Only after the help of doctors to the singer of the pain in his chest.

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