The Moscow City Court has released from custody Yurov Nina, blamed the intrusion into the personal e-mail singer Philip Kirkorov. Yurova is CEO of "Global Media Group". "The court ruling found Tver Court of Moscow on June 10 to elect Jurova remand in custody cancel Yurov release from prison," - said the judge. The audience welcomed the court's decision with applause. However, the court ordered the investigation of the election petition against Jurova preventive measure, directing a new trial in Moscow Tverskoy Court. In the complaint, the Director General of the "Media Global Group," she asked, to change the measure of restraint, since the adoption of the investigation, that to escape it destroy evidence in order to put pressure on witnesses or extort further Kirkorov in the hypothetical nature and in no way confirmed. Yurova prepares seven actions against Kirkorov "Just the facts, not personal opinions of the researcher may be the basis for my choice to be a preventive measure," - said the defendant. Yurov said that currently seven lawsuits against Kirkorov replaced with the demand, their moral and material damage. "I have repeatedly threatened to attack me on my block, and I would like to report to hurt me," - she said. Yurov said that Kirkorov has scandalous image, they can not imagine what it must have the information to his discredit. "I'm very surprised that I was accused of slander, but has only Kirkorov name has a search engine, you will come from many scandalous articles. What I need to know this in order to ruin the image? "- Asked the defendant, she called the charges against them." Unfounded and empty "Yurova mentioned in court that they organized campaign to Kirkorov Anniversary concert, which took place in April 2008 in Moscow According to her, had not Kirkorov signed her contract because she knows more than 10 years and friend Yurova claims that after the concert, the singer will refund their money invested in the campaign rejected -. .. more than 7 million rubles and then she went to donate CEO "Global Media Group" also reported that in the prison of his regular visits to the cooperatives in the absence by her lawyer and try to knock out her confession, reports RIA Novosti "They threatened me if I did not confess, then invite me to add another, the third article of the Penal Code." - she said, again Kirkorov lawyers and the Attorney Yurov custody arrest asked to leave and the appeal was dismissed .. " Violation of the Code of Criminal Procedure, the choice Jurova preventive measure was not allowed. It was hindered during the search, and hid the laptop (which chopped after investigation Yurova email Kirkorov and his side of the page "") into individual safe "- the prosecutor said, according to her, this shows that. Yurova can hide evidence of the offense. However, the Court confirmed the position Jurova and his lawyers. Court read out only the operative part of the resolution, so that the reasons for the decision are not yet known. Tver Court of Moscow sanctioned the arrest on 10 June next Jurova and former administrator of faith Yapontsevoy Kirkorov. Later he was in Part 3 of Article 163 of the Criminal Code (large scale extortion) and Part 2 of Article 272 of the Criminal Code calculated (illegal access to computer data information). According to the investigation, a former employee of Philip Kirkorov broke not only the singer's personal e-mail, but his page on the website "". As the Court, if the lawyer Tatyana Akimtseva Kirkorov, explains the study is a case of unauthorized access through the computer to the personal data of the singer. After Akimtseva ", a group of people who worked at various times in the company Kirkorov, enjoyed his confidence, had confiscated access to the office and home computer hacked Kirkorov, finding that it had personal data in order to discredit the singer and extortion." According to the lawyer, the suspects sent on behalf of the singer from fraudulent e-mails that are insulting, contain many famous people. Yurova Yapontseva and categorically deny any wrongdoing. Defenders Jurova also pointed out that it is not reliably determined that the hacker side singer "" there was only a suspect's computer. According to the lawyer Ruslan Koblev, was the response from the application site, which says that. Illegal access to page Kirkorov from another computer that is also entered in Balashikha when Yurova made
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