Police began checking on the fact of the incident with the famous singer Philip Kirkorov, who on Tuesday told the capital club 'Roll Hall "between the group of one of the television and the singer, who entered into a broken camera, RIA Novosti Wednesday ATC representatives of the southern district of Moscow, in whose territory the incident occurred. According to him, the police station in the district Danilovsky Tuesday at 16.00 MSK journalist and cameraman of a television turned to a declaration that the club in Cold Lane, 3 Philip pushed them back and hurt the working class camera. "Currently, the application of the ATS investigation department Danilovsky checks" - a spokesman said. He said that he was asked encouraged to contact the emergency room in order. The injuries they fix reported to the police Earlier, a spokeswoman singer Olga Alekseeva, that the testimony of journalists were withdrawn. "I understand that the statement withdrawn journalists Kirkorov," - she said. Scandal, according to the media, collapsed after a speech Kirkorov at the "Roll Hall" on 1 September. Journalists asked backstage about the artist director of the Kazan Philharmonic, which gave the actor in court. The press claimed that in response to the singer allegedly abused journalists, injured his camera and microphone. Damage to the unit and took over the guard refused to release it. TV crew went to the police to assess the damage of 27.6 thousand dollars. Alexeyev also found that Kirkorov has not commented on this situation.
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