Monday, September 2, 2013

Fleur luck, St. Petersburg and the unusual composition of new songs

Performance in St. Petersburg will be completed on the concert season, and after a short break this summer will begin work on a new studio sixth album software. Since his last appearance in St. Petersburg in September 2008, the band toured extensively and their speeches sounded more than a dozen new songs. At the concert on 3 June in the "waiting room" Fleur perform half of the material of the future potential of the plate. "At the sound of the new material strongly influenced regular participation in the new George Matviyiv musicians playing the national Ukrainian instrument bandura. Course, is in the process of working in the studio in transition, often" is beyond recognition ", but for us valuable starting experience in the new songs for the audience before we start to work on it in the studio. Not a dress rehearsal of "understanding" of songs for concert performances, to understand their strengths and weaknesses. Therefore, the premiere concert of songs so important and so exciting for us, "" We do not intend to deal in St. Petersburg before the fall, but have in recent months, so many invitations from our fans and the organizers that it was clear that our desire to play wonderful City is mutual in nature, had with such mutual attraction no power "to resist." We always get very warm in St. Petersburg, and we believe that this city is very close to us in spirit. We are also that we have a wonderful concert club, many good reviews from our friends heard about it and decided that it will not be decided by the fall, that you can do now ... At the concert we will perform new songs: "Summer Night, fly in the void," "The Man 33 features", "April Morning," "Tell me about your accident." Third June, the "waiting room" SPB., 19.00.

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