Sunday, December 30, 2012

The presentation of the "auction" leads Marc Ribot and John Medeski

Presentation album "AuktYon" "The girls sing" under the working title in the club "B-1 Maximum" on 22 April. Guitarist Marc Ribot and pianist John Medeski - participants of the show, the American musician who "auction" to be helped to work on a new album. At the concert, the guests are made from abroad are full members of the Russian team, and play together "auction" not only in the composition of the new release, but also perform some of the old hits of the party in the group performed at the concert must. The "Auktsion" invited guest star recording of the album took place in the American studios Kaleidoscope Sound Studios, and released an album in mid-April, the company "Geometry". On the board for about 10 songs, including the title of "Waiting", the hearing on the eve of the musicians comes wrote on his website release. St. Petersburg presentation of the new version of "auction" for Intermedia is in the arena Cadet Corps on 21 April.

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