Thursday, November 29, 2012

Andrei Makarevich gathered all the prose

A new book by Andrei Makarevich "All prose." This re-released in a single volume three of his previous prose - "The mere sheep," and "In the beginning was the sound," "Eve's apple." The leader of the "Time Machine" preparing another book, where he acted as an artist, says Intermedia. "Probably going to come a very limited edition - but I'm waiting for his release - said Andrey Makarevich -. This verse Michael Gendeleva with my graphics card We were good friends with Mischa, and regret that he left us too soon I.. think he -. the great poet and very excellent, in contrast to Brodsky I very much hope that, maybe with my graphics card in this book brings his poetry some people that the existence of these verses simply not aware, and deserves these poems. . "Andrei Makarevich made further work Makarevich-artist is a series of works in the creative alliance with Israeli Alexander Galitsky" to be known, Sasha Galitsky - delicious, very strange, very clear, no one like Israeli artist We know little of him I am.. advise you to go on facebook, there had side, and he's always hanging the pictures. He and I are friends for a long time, and I wanted to write something for four hands. Turns out fun, we had fun from the heart. It is very difficult to describe in words what happened, but ... This is a series of images with texts. it is a Mexican folk art that is as "retablos." This image is a typically domestic situation with a verbal description and with thanksgiving to the Lord at the end, that all went well. The very precise analog Russian folk songs. This is all done with the bribery naturalism and simplicity, done for example: "I fell in love with Juan, and then I fell in love with Pedro, Juan and Pedro, and then came and tried to shoot me, and I prayed to the Virgin Mary, and the three of us survived. Thank you, Holy Virgin Mary and God for this miracle. "Here is a typical retablos. When we began to draw, we realized that we were out to no man, and cats in similar situations, so I had to call it "kotablos," and we were happy as children. I do not know where and how we represent humanity, but we finished it at the end of February, and Sasha flew back to Israel. "

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