Sunday hall ODL capacity in Samara was packed. Listen to the songs of Boris Grebenshikov came people of all ages - and older people and teenagers. Boris looked elegant - a white shirt, red vest and glasses of colored glass. Some viewers immediately causes along with other cultural workers how to build Grebenshikov. Boris looked elegant - a white shirt, red vest and glasses of colored glass - look, BG mows under Trachtenberg! - Whispered to the audience. - Only red beard. A pirate flag - The stage was decorated with a large banner with painted it "Jolly Roger". Skull with a bandage over his eyes and crossbones flying menacingly behind Grebenshchikov. Some have suggested that the skull was a sign promoting the Pirates, with whom, as we know, BG relationship quite liberal. - I support the producers of pirated audio products - BG has stated repeatedly during his many interviews. - Without them, people would be without music. Therefore, I have to thank the Lord for the Pirates. In the course of the concert hall was filled with incense. However, some say inhaled incense, so I had to jump in the lobby for fresh air, "KP-Samara". - Damn, I can not breathe! - Complained about the girl. - What kind of Indian flavors? In the middle of the concert made Grebenshikov guitar and stood behind the keys. While he played an instrumental piece, treated to remove the keyboard player Boris Rubekin candy stalls. At the end of the concert, the musicians and whispered BG announced: - Now is our well-known ballad, full of love. Samara residents held their breath: Many waited "City of Gold". But instead of the "Aquarium" suddenly burst song "Troublemaker" who does what its name - a ballad can not it be called. Apparently took the drive down to the last song BG - after the concert Grebenshikov refused to speak with reporters, cited poor health. Group "Aquarium" is the organizers are some requirements: - The hotel is mandatory luggage office or other premises under the protection of the tool on the 1st Floor. - Group accommodation in the hotel at least on the second floor. Should implement in order to ensure the audience during the concert security forces in plain clothes -.
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