Boris Grebenshikov - one of the few people who have had an enormous influence on the national culture 80-90-ies of the last century. The legacy of the aquarium, and the figure of Boris Borisovich, can be treated in several ways, but in each case it is necessary to consider its authority. Many people still refer to him as a guru (teacher). He is one of the few people who know only initials - BG. this time decided not to talk to Grebenshikov on music and culture. We brought a gift - a book "Zohar," and struck a conversation with a question that would discourage any person: - What do you mean by "spirituality"? - I do not pronounce the words and do not know what it is. Usually, unfortunately in our country and abroad, with the word "spirituality" is used by older and moderately prosperous people, especially women who want to justify their existence. I understand, but if you separate the "spirituality" of the material, we are led to an absurd situation. This is how the Church: God is here, and here it is not. Spirituality is here, but here it is not. The people lived a long time, not knowing what is spiritual. And once they doryvayutsya before, they say, will pay $ 20 and here is a spirituality for just $ 20. They are willing to pay with a cry: "Now we are spiritually are". - Indulgence? - Yes, that's all. But the thing without the spirit is dead. Matter, without the spirit is dead - once in the interview you said that it was important not treasures in heaven, on earth. What does the sky, what is it? - I quoted the famous book ... This refers to the simplest things. There are different forms of energy, money - this is a form of energy, physical strength - a different form of energy. And then, and are subject to variation, but there is a positive energy (the so-called spiritual, shall we say, in the absence of other more precise words, a subtle energy), which is the result of some kind of positive action. It can be a meditation and a simple help to be like themselves or someone else. And usually, directs this spiritual energy much less, and it changes the course of human life. If a person earns $ 18 million, it is not significantly affect their lives. Well, he will drink more expensive wines, and he is "toilet made of gold ', but its direction in life is to remain the same. If the person making the $ 18 million good deeds, it will change his life, change his attitude. - Is this spiritual energy do not exist alone? - It exists in potential, and if you have a business that we call the conventional to do well, the energy of the possible changes in the real, inner, subtle energy of the person. Law of communicating vessels - that's a whole universe. If a person gives something, it lowers the level of light energy will be wasted. That is, he was the physical and non-physical it occurred. Conversely, if a person does something wrong, even though he earned a billion, it will be very bad in there. - Why do not the good people who want to live in the world? - There are ancient examples. If, say, it was the jazz that many prominent religious leaders, that was the end of music and autumn humanity as a whole. And then, if it's a rock 'n' roll, jazz, rock and rollschik not know how to play, and the representatives of the academic music spat with high mountains on the other and together. But as time passed, it became clear that they successfully coexist and complement each other. This is because people are more used to thinking of themselves and not notice what is happening around them. You have to treat everyone with its bell tower, better out of the tower and see what it actually is. - What, in your opinion, a happy person? - A happy man - a man who is not "I" a. - What does this mean? Some nonsense. - No, why? The fact is, as a rule, to say in the life of our control pulse, take it all to yourself and do not leave anything else. This approach always leads to a very unhappy life. The less a man thinks of himself, and the more he thinks about the well being of those around you, making it closer to perfection. As a wise attribute of God - to give property rights - take. And the more you give, the closer it is to God. Agree that God must have a lucky man. Therefore, the more you give, the more you will be happier. The more you give, the less you have your "I". And ideally you. Straight with all the goodness that is in the world, you're merging accepted, but not to think themselves All the misery, because people think about themselves. In fact, if one does not think of himself, he is even the word "accident" does not know. - Then there is another question, "I have rights" to others - that is the real "I"? - I think that by and large, the "I" - only, it's God. And the "Big I" is at all ... Moreover, all the other people we meet in life - it is us dressed, it is a mirror image of what we created in their lives. In our lives, there is nothing accidental. - I recently spoke with a scientist from the Institute of Applied Physics. He talked about the fact that everything we see - it is a projection, created by our brain. This means that the reality of the world as we imagine it does not exist, we have to play with illusions own dream ... - You know, all living things on Earth can be thought of as a very large gloves. Fingers are different, but the fingers of one hand. We - the gloves, and in us - God, or what we usually call God. By watching the finger gloves, we believe, a that it is the interplay of the various units, but the essentials. Only one in "gloves" has its own personality and its own method of information processing, but the essence is the same. And when we talk about the accumulation of positive energy, then we can say that it is an illusion, but at the same time it is very real, more real than the physical nature with which we have to do every day. - How can you be reunited your fingers? - If they are connected, the glove away (laughs). You need not be connected, but it would be nice to recognize when multiple fingers to the fingers of one hand. - The problem with this system is that if the vector of consciousness directed at itself, the person feels nothing. When it is directed outward to the other, may already start to feel the whole system. But how can it be explained because when the word "altruism" say this is a sarcastic smile? - Former school suggests that when a person is ready, the teacher. Roughly speaking, there are people willing to take a little knowledge and digest, and there are people who are not ready, and they try not to do with them. I have tried so many times very nice people say something or make a book. They do not even know it. Well in these books, why would this me And the people are very nice. Oh, not ready. Therefore, we chose the most gentle way. We do what we believe is a positive, beautiful and fit, and say, "Do you want to - you do not want to take it - do not you can still be heard, and it is possible that between what we are. and do your inner consciousness is a reaction. "When I was ten years old he was, heard rock 'n' roll, I could not understand what it is to classify the more to analyze. I pulled it. I ran like the sea, and even swim, I feel good. And that led me to those edges, which I do not know. Now it came to me the book "Zohar". And, for example, this morning I did not know that they come to me. That's the way it is. So I advocate peaceful dissemination of knowledge. - In Florence, gathered a few dozen people, and thanks to their inner desire to early Renaissance. Is it now possible diligence people, aware of the value of "altruism" make a difference in society? - I think it will be similar to the Soviet experiment, when the school was taught that to do well - it's good, and to do bad - it's bad. And during the interval older children taught the exact opposite. And usually traded all. On the Council of the older guys To what is taught in school, believe half the people is not easy. They come to this knowledge later on your own. Despite the complete futility of such attempts of education, they have to take even more, because you never know, and if anyone believed. A man in a million - that's a lot. If you remember the '60s, you had a great idea - the Western world drowning in materialism, and now we will give you new eternal values. Who has them? There were people who then distributes to its dark corners, and we can learn about them, and we can not always know. Most people did so little money. And most took it as an opportunity to eat free acid. George Harrison came to San Francisco, thinking that it is heaven on earth, that's all there is free share everything, and perfect happiness. He saw a lot of provincial girls and boys who ate very bad drugs and trying to understand why they do it. Disgust. Harrison left there. Do not make it so that instead of "a man in a million" all a million people started doing good deeds. This is possible because all are in various stages of development. Can people in any way to provoke the music - it is a way of art - it's the other way. It is possible that a good movie, in which people go out and scratch their reputation, and then say, "Yes", will affect them, so all of a sudden the next day they do something good, and feel that It was worth doing. - What do you mean, do not get it now mankind to the point, when I say that this is a way to a new method, something just feel it needs to be? - This is a great idea. I have all my life, this idea made until finally the experience to know me, that do not revolutionary methods. When selling this huge national population somehow, Provisional Government vtyuhat, some shiny new positive idea, they immediately find a way to use it for their own purposes at once. And those 5%, 3% and 1%, something that really understands or can actually do something, and so they are aware. But the "one percent" of all time, you need to keep, because he always dying. Enter possibilities, new people to join this one percent. In my opinion, was no other way of humanity unaware. I do not think that humanity has not changed in the past 5000 years. In time for the beginning of the XXI century No, I do not believe in it. Therefore I see the old methods of work: Give what you can, and do not expect results. - The victims of the tsunami in Asia Minor were 300 thousand inhabitants, but not kill any animal, they're all gone. The man at the center of the universe, with nature in the disharmonious relationships. He heard a very natural effect feel, not to interact with them. If you can explain the anti-terrorist operation in some certain people, the typhoon is impossible. Can unexploited opportunities inherent in the people, and should be implemented boycott. How to find the impact that would have led to some qualitative changes? Today they say that. Mankind at the threshold of qualitative change - This is brilliant. I still Aquarius. We count on, but man proposes and God disposes. I am pleased that the future will be rosy, but just in case, I will not believe it. I'll do what I do now is with his hands, and suddenly it will be better than I thought. Okay, good. I'm pretty sure only one thing: the use and development of these two percent to more percent of the brain that are only possible in man, a man should want it. May be compelled to draw people into the kingdom of the Lord, but he will not know what they are doing there. It will look for the nearest bar there, that's all. And go out as the Lord's kingdom bars do not assume it will be lost. - The book "Zohar" that we brought today says that in 1995 - this was the point when the need arises in the human race in this knowledge, you are very right to say that "if you want to cheer for the creators say him your plans, "but on the other hand - who can believe, a person other than yourself? Today we see the need appears, but there is a feeling that the people who open the knowledge, a little too late. And late is mainly due to the fact that not consolidated. - Those that I know, unfortunately, and so visible. I think that the weather is not simply - something new that is being promised. Interesting as the time that humans are not known. I'll try to help as I can, but how to do it, I honestly do not know. But do not ask, of course. At the very least, to know each other - this is the first step towards consolidation.
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