In the early 90's Dmitry Revyakin was real sex symbol - a mysterious slender boy with a bandage on his forehead was the idol of the public. In addition, pronounced that creativity Revyakina. Critics song of pagan Russia, and he looked like a young and Nikitich, handsome fellow Russian, who came from a fairy tale, where a fold a flying dragon, and the red head girl Revyakin was the founder of the Russian folk-rock, and broke all dividends - and dying of love for him, fans and clever clever intellectuals speak on television and in the press about the effects of the pre-Christian Russia modern images of faith in the young "superman to create "in the Nietzschean sense, is the source of power in the past. When asked in Ufa Revyakina if there is any creativity "Kalinov Most" tribute to the hippie movement, he was surprised - and the whole hippie culture was never "Kalinov Bridge", perhaps introduced some early romantic songs. Remember the song from which we started, "Siberian March," "Come with me", "I Swear", "Wolnica." Where is the pacifism or hippies? Nothing like that. Clear hero, went to the bridge and Kalin fights. The end of the eighties - early nineties. Then there was another period of the creation of words, music, went into another hypostasis, become more sophisticated and more complex. Group "Kalinov Bridge" was founded in 1986, is seen by Constantine Kinchev and brought to the capital. Today, artists, viewers dive into the exotic world of paganism and use ethnic motifs in his music is not too small, but for some reason they are not popular with the special use. But "Kalinov Most" happiness appear during the heyday of Russian rock, resulting in the band and it is still a legend. As Dmitri recognized came the name "Kalinov Bridge" with his girlfriend, who later became his wife, and at the time of birth, they are not particularly reflect on the name. Then, at the height of the popularity of music critics have begun, the name and to treat in this way and that, see it as the underlying currents and deep meaning. This period of the winter solstice to the Christmas holidays, the time of the struggle between good and evil forces, with the inevitable victory of light. This battle with the evil spirit, this precise point where only darkness. Revyakin himself confessed, "Ufa-MK": "The name identifies to learn probably my creative life, but only after we started, what it means for me, I've learned that." Kalinov Bridge "- it is a moment of transition , every minute of the inauguration. call pretty hard and responsible. And live with it. I do not regret it. "But now for the most Revyakina time hero confronts evil is forgotten. - Speaking of calls, they are not subtle, as noticeable as before - talks about his music in Ufa, the leader of the "Kalinove bridge." - In general, an understanding of the song as a call to the temperament and character of the person depend. I feel closer to contemplation. Calls can only be expressed indirectly. Now Revyakin - is older, overweight-Siberian taezhnik to increase the likelihood of the image adorned beard of the old image - straight long hair. On stage in a T-shirt with a large rune on his chest, he looked like a sectarian, just out of the woods. But as it turned out, Revyakin long ceased to be one pagan and more recently he was an Orthodox Christian. - What the transition to Christianity? - All of my life experiences. Observations and reflections led. I have 3 years was made public, I was baptized - Cursed clearly says Dmitry. - As you now looking at other nations? You may want to help someone move to another faith? - I usually look at them, because I understand that God knows everything: who come to him, which will not come. Some of them repeat my way, I do not think I need someone to help. - In life you look like on stage? - On stage, responsibility, concentration, did not come out to sing for themselves, but for people who take their thoughts, images outlook. After the scene is relaxation. - In your songs a lot of words that you came up with yourself. Use them in real life? - It depends on the circumstances under which and what kind of mood. Sometimes I say. But not just me, she grabs all. - The creation of words related to your love Velimir? - At one time a lot of time and effort to the study of the poet's "Silver Age" spent, but it's in the past now closer to my inner state Gumilev. - Recently at a concert dedicated to the book "The poets of the Russian rock", call for resistance ... - When I talk about the resistance, I mean first of all are not affected by the mass media: newspapers, television, magazines, presented only one side of life, and these standards are trying to format the entire society. The music, in my opinion, the most terrible weapon, because it is a combination of rhythm, harmony, melody, sound, especially on young people clearly ineffective. - Can you give some of the young local rock musicians? - Like this? They stand out, and they disappoint. When the band released a successful record, and any talk of them as people who have opened up new horizons, it does not mean anything. We have to wait, even published a second, third, to see how they happen in this way. About young is better not to talk, but they are there. - And the older generation maintain a relationship? - We are friends with the "Alice" and with Yuri Yulianovich. Since we have a relationship in the eighties, so they continue. Listen, discuss new albums, last year I made a special trip into the "DDT", gave them the album, with "Alice" also an exchange of ideas. - Why do not you participate in the festival? - There are a number of proposals for this summer, think, or not to participate. Basically festivals - it is tedious and not fun and informative for us, at least, so we feel calm about it and not to relocate to such events. - Tell us about the new album, which will be released soon. - For the fourth year in anticipation of the new live album, and all the powers and thoughts focused. He will fall, will be called "Swa". We took it in Novosibirsk and Moscow, spent a lot of energy, internal resources. The album is interesting enough, it is a cycle of lyrical songs. In my view, a very serious work on the relations between the sexes in our eschatological time. So, wait. We too are waiting with you and happy to take this drive as it comes, bring it into the player and listen.
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