Sunday, June 2, 2013

Boris Moiseyev married to an American

Boris Moiseev said he wanted to marry. "I'm getting married soon my bride - the usual American citizens" - confessed Boris Moiseev at the concert in the Simferopol theater. Boris Moiseev said Boris, about the name of the chosen one, he will not, for fear that they annoy the paparazzi, so the wedding was held in the United States. "I do not want to talk about it in detail," - said the "Trud" Moses. But as it turned out, Boris met with a mysterious American business woman four years ago, and a marriage proposal made this summer, the last time I was in Los Angeles. Recall: the registry office of Moses never been, but it has a 33-year-old son Amadeus, who lives in Krakow, Poland, and the two-year-old grandson Matthew.

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