Friday, June 21, 2013

Fans will not be saved from debt Kirkorov

Fans of Philip Kirkorov not in a hurry to buy the right to the debts of a company by a famous singer's estate. In the three weeks since the release of information on the sale of debt, not a single application, according to the Center for kollektorstva. In December 2009 it was announced that the law firm "Legal Field" to recover a debt with "Philip Production" began. To speed up the recovery of the firm has been invited to participate in the expert collector activity, Director General of the Centre for kollektorstva Dmitry Zhdanuhina. The issue price is 10 thousand dollars. Debt arose because of non-payment of benefits for bus band of Philip Kirkorov route summer tour. According to Philip, "Right" fans of Philip Kirkorov did not use the opportunity to, all or part of a claim on the LLC "Philip Production" to purchase (100% of the share capital of the company belongs to Philip Kirkorov EGRYuL). Senior associate of the law firm "Legal Field" Denis Kuzmin leading activities geochemistry with "Philip Production", said that the lack of interest in the assumption of debt, with the refusal of the representative of the debtor of the proposed compromise with the need to perform a standard legal procedure performs. Provides general of the Center for kollektorstva Dmitry Zhdanuhin, the advisory support of the VIP foreclosure, said that the PR support in the study, which is the door to bankruptcy LLC "Philip Production" available opening. The expert pointed out that perhaps people do not believe that you simply buy such debt favorite singer or doubts about the validity of the creditor.

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