Saturday, June 22, 2013

Kirkorov, Basque and Pavliashvili sang for "VIA Gra"

In Ukraine, falter, the premiere of a unique number to a demanding show business has in amazement. "Brilliant cast of" group "VIA Gra" - Philip, Nicholas Basque and Soso Pavliashvili - presents the people of Kiev song "Best Friends boy - are diamonds." The show was a dress rehearsal extravagance that three of the most impressive country artists are for the summer, "New Wave" in Jurmala before. - The idea came up to me, grabbed it with pleasure Basque Pavliashvili Soso and connected, and helped with creativity Vladimir Zelensky - told Life News Philip. - We talked about it for another set of "Love in the City", where he plays the main role.

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