Friday, June 21, 2013

Kirkorov new boyfriend almost killed a Pokemon

The real tragedy was played almost at the home of Philip Kirkorov! For a noise in the kitchen maid rushed to the King of Pop - Lucy. I. .. almost too late! A six year old Jack Russell Terrier Pokemon barked furiously ... tormented little pointed Popper - the new favorite stars! Lucy barely parted dogs. And then they had to be locked in different rooms ... To the great misfortune Philip Philip, has his old faithful dog Pokemon not the new residents of the apartment - Popper. The reason is simple - the horrible dog jealousy. Kirkorov because now started to pay more attention to Poppy, not Pokemon, stroking sometimes even forget to write "old-timer," "Secrets of the Stars." Until recently, the only unhappy Pokey growled. But now the baby Popper explains real war! - Oh, I'm afraid, have someone pay to Poppy - experienced Lucy. - Do not get on with Pokemon together ..!

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