20th October at the Maly Drama Theater and the Theater Olga Aref'eva Kalimba show performance of "Alice" on the story by Lewis Carroll. "Alice" has in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass already a lot of time. Mount written works in which fairy tales invented by British mathematician Lewis Carroll for a 10-year-old girl explaining and analyzing psychologists, mathematicians and philosophers. Latest movies and cartoons drawn many pictures, made several movies. Olga Aref'eva But this show is different. As Kalimba, the famous story told through movement, dance, mime and clowning, even - to have not yet succeeded. The game is fresh and bright, it's free and full of humor total strokes hurricane imagination run wild. Only five people on stage: two boys and three girls, including herself Olga Aref'eva. They play all the characters, then immediately impersonation Hatter, the Cheshire Cat, the Blue Caterpillar, then disgusted roaring baby pig. Each found his role, and the role of found it. Images surprising to those who play it, and stress the idea likely that Carroll's famous tale - a collection of archetypes. "I think we have a lot of fun", - said Olga, and just remember their famous odnostishie "How laboriously you to play!" Ten months of hard work from the appearance of the idea of the performance consisted of the first show today, a period of unbridled imagination, a number of material, then the integration of a pile is found in a single device and smoothing effect. The result - a performance of "Alice" which is designed for the general public for the first time and welcomed the presence of children. Olga Aref'eva not only play an important role, but their songs to sing poems by Carroll, written specifically for the show. 19,00.
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