One of the best singers of the Russian world-music not just a concert, but celebrated his birthday at the Maly Hall of the Taganka Theater. Kalmykov Experience difficult: Slavic knead (especially in the north), Vedic, and Eastern cultures in a single proto-pagan boiler. For all their authentic material - are the source of the shamanic ritual. She even has the audience looks almost. Shaman, ways to meditate. Live Earth your project "Live Earth" in its current form - almost pure percussion. Andrew Tanzu improvised with small percussion conjures Dima Ravitch archaic leather with big drums beat zhiharevskaya (small bell) controls an advanced pace. She ordered Kalmykov electronic reproduction of the laptop and issue authentic sounds from the old violins with strings made of horse hair. But the main thing - she sings. Actually Tatiana Kalmykova concerts - no small task for the students. Gloomy, on the edge of the magic act requires full immersion into the atmosphere. Distracted even for a moment - to lose atmospheric thread. And any error, humor, entertainment, provided a priori. Kalmykov and sings with his eyes closed, or somewhere up to the sky. Cost to find that emotional connection, and overcome a barrier to understanding skills Kalmykova. Pine furniture, a wood stove in the corner, crackling logs: Immediately transported to a village cottage with small windows in the full moon. Tatiana Kalmykov. Much harder with the "fun" songs, without which you can not be a real place in the village Funny songs - clearly not skate Kalmykova. She refuses to follow the risible plot laid down in the text, and soon spoke a quick text, it looks rhythmic meanings. In most cases, the result is predictable - alluvial conflicts with the popular text and magically Kalmykov fed into hysteria and essentially insane. There is still much to do. Serious, philosophical Warehouse - Best song is performed by Tatyana. Here she reveals the mystery of things, even in the story of a snow storm or guess spouses. Subtexts shows shows the great power of nature and gives a sense of ownership for the ritual of communion with the forces of the universe. The essence of creativity Kalmykova - certainly paganism, bad contact late Russian Christianity. God such coordinate system is not present. Should negotiate with the wind, the stars, water, fire. ... And after a difficult proposition Tatiana invites you to tea with his own baked cakes on the old northern recipe with pumpkin, millet and butter. Guru KEN
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