Folk-rock group "calendar", the album "River of Gods". Insert the disc with the band of the 13th March, in the Central House of Journalists. Special guests of the event - ". Rada & Blackthorn" the Group "Raznotravie" and The Spring Equinox - The event is timed to the holiday region. "Calendar" - the Moscow team, the style of the northern (Slavic) folk-rock, fantasy, rock, gothic folk plays. From "pure" folk to jazz - the group in 1999 as an association of musicians that come in many different areas. Perhaps it is this determined, so typical of a variety of genres and styles, and the freedom with which the group uses instruments and musical themes. Group "calendar", "calendar" focuses on the European sacred tradition and tried to realize his vision of the music of the old traditional culture and its inherent magical view of the world. Among the authors of the texts "Calendar" - known Russian traditionalists, as I. Cherkasov (Veleslav), A. Arinushkin (Snorri), A. Platov (Iggvolod). Stakeholders on the sacred heritage reflected in particular in the title. Calendar for understanding the band - it's yearly cycle, drill known "strong points of the year", in many mystical teachings. Calendar - This winter and spring, life, death and rebirth, it gathers the most important thing that every nation knows about time and eternity. The calendar shows the kinship of all living things under the sun and the moon, it is the key to a song that drew in the people of the world from ancient times to the life force. The third license disk group "calendar" was written in 2009 in the studios, "Nashe Radio", V. Kashirina, "moisture records", V. Gavrishin; Nova Music, A. Mihaenkin; Kalugina studio and the band "Orgy of the righteous "; SRL Audio, Doroshenko. Like the previous two disc CD "River of Gods" published by "Crossroads Records." The special features of the disc - a combination of modern copyright rock and folk-rock music with folk songs and folk elements of European classical music, the extensive use of acoustic, including the people, tools and style of folk music, polyphonic vocal arrangements under the made line of the honored Russian choral director Alexander Saltykov. "We wanted to combine the genres -. Of folk-rock and folk to classical and classic rock we back it, embraced the traditional culture all and in all periods of the development of society - from the" ancient "in the Middle Ages - to the present not day, and traditional music rushing all musical genres and styles - as long as the spirit "- said Marina Grashina, singer. Folk Songs used in the compositions are rare - Slavic folklore, partly missing from the license, or simply prepared and published records of the materials of folklore expeditions folklorist groups Evgenia Cherkasova. Most of the songs on the disc in his time in the role of rituals and ritual activities calendar or initiatory character. Create a group of folk songs with folk wind (zhaleyka, Kaliuk, ocarina, shalmey) and percussion (rattles, bells, bells, tambourine, harp, saw) tools have been added. Graphic design of the album too much is not a coincidence: In addition to photos of the Siberian, Ural, North, Arctic rivers, some pictures of the songs features the interpretation of some arcane Tarot (Arcana captions are in the old version of the spelling of the Marseilles school). And we have the triple line: arc, the song and by the members of the group that acts as the main character. Photo shoot, the album charts, preparing costumes singer ". Rodoljub" with the participation of many friends of the traditionalists and the re-enactment, the "House of Ash" and performed community Many members of the group were and are members of other musical projects. So, the singer and writer of most of the compositions Grashina Marina began her career as a leader of the "Grenadita" - the younger of the Latin American Music Ensemble "Grenada", and then continued her jazz in collaboration with the renowned saxophonist Andrei Krivtsov. Yuri Andreychuk - singer, also for fans of Irish folk music, one of the "pioneers" folk movement in Russia. Lead guitarist Ilya Lipkin - Author and participated in many musical projects (Rushus project, and so on) that the experts it difficult to find a certain type of music calls, in an unexpected way to find perform - from experimental rock and avant-garde in the room rocks. Drummer Paul Davidovich plays almost all my life in all styles from funk to folk rock (Till Eulenspiegel, herbs, etc.). Performance of "Raznotravie" - the first for the last 7 years. The group was founded in 1996 and ceased to exist in 2003. Now musicians restore CV group began in 2004, the work on the album "Zimogor" to be published throughout the year. At a concert on 13 March mystical folk welcome sound in a unique format. First, she appeared with several Alexander Marchenko and intricate art-rock bassist Vladimir Valdemar Kisliakof. 13th TSDZH March, 19.00.
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