Olga Aref'eva a video for the song "The Juggler." Roller when creating visited the singer with the band "The Ark", a play kalimba, Theater Fire "Phoenix" Juggling club "Wild Planet", the Irish Dance Ensemble "Iridan" and others run away with traveling acrobats and jugglers - which do not have has fantasized in childhood? Ruddy Harlequin, Pierrot and Columbine playful sad in striped stockings. Jesters, stilts and jugglers, acrobats and fire swallowers - reckless sowers uncomplicated fun and childish joy. Olga Aref'eva with a group of passionate and as long Ark theme circus. "God, how I want to play in the commedia dell'arte - the van blew my sleep in the town on the map!" - Olga sang once, and God heard. Ark sometimes on holidays is a confetti-strewn box on wheels. He goes on to hold and distribute promised holy truth, just dancing under divine dance tune. The video used for concerts and Olga Arefieva the "Ark" at the circus "Aquamarine" and in the Concert Hall "Moscow" to shoot. Director of Photography: Dmitry Mishin.
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