Group "AuktYon" next year in the United States is preparing for the festival, "Jet Lag", which is going to take place in June. "Jet Lag" means the condition of a person caused by the rapid change of time zones. This annual festival, the guests are from overseas countries invited to the arrival in America in her own skin test, "Jet Lag" to be. "Jet Lag" means the condition of a person caused by the rapid change of time zones for the future album "AuktYon" if he be taken, it is not until the second half of the year. Now musicians have begun not only to discuss plans for his creation, however, can not only write, but also to the selection of the song material for him. But the leader of the group "AuktYon" Leonid Fedorov get only in the new year, a new solo album "Razin, Rome, and a lion." CD, in collaboration with Vladimir Volkov and American musicians - guitarist Marc Ribot and pianist John Medeski - based on the poem by Velimir Khlebnikov "Razin" is based. The release is planned for March.
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