In December 2006, Leonid Fedorov, Vladimir Volkov presented to the public a new album "Beauty". New album were original works of musicians on the texts of the poet Andrei Smurova Amsterdam and St. Petersburg artist Arthur Moleva. The album is the third and last in a sort of trilogy that previous collaborations Fedorov and Volkov, began to be published in the last two years of fruitful collaboration. As part of the trilogy album "melt" (2005) is "the beginning of the prologue" and the later "Bezonders" (2005) in his poem "oberiutov" AI Vvedensky - defines the stage of "poetry" (1904, 1941). The new and final album, "Beauty", say the authors, is an appeal to "antipoezii." In the final version of the album contains nine songs. Most of the texts in order to make a new program that develops the lyrical line, which was a bright, strong and controversial song "Bin Laden" called from the first album of the trilogy to life. Musical decisions - as always unusual, fascinating and intriguing. Presentation of the results of this work - the album "Beauty" - instead of 22 December 2006 in Moscow, in the Concert Hall of the Central House of Artists on the Crimean shaft. The concert will be performed by new and already known and loved by many of Leonid Fedorov and Vladimir Volkov.
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