The historic capital of the Rock Palace of Culture. Gorbunova Leonid Fedorov and his constant companion, bassist Vladimir Volkov and elegant Trio overseas musicians (John Medeski, Marc Ribot, Ches Smith) is played (in the truest sense of the verb) pagan poem palindrome Velimir Khlebnikov "Razin". This evening shot by the same quintet disc was presented "RAZINRIMILEV." On a scarlet background album cover display black rock paintings is 6000 years ago. Illustration by the artist Arthur Molev found on the cave wall at the time of imposition of the flood on Lake Onega. Month and a half ago, he told me about it himself Fedorov, when asked to hear (with some colleagues) to his home being recorded in New York, velimirovskogo album on the text "Razin". What is considered the longest palindrome in the history of literature. Magnetism Fedorov projects always accompany unusual facts, random, but when programmed through alliances and personal copyrights opening. For example, in the late 1980s, Leon came to Paris on the tail. One of the most important poets of the non-conformist "third wave" of Russian emigration Alex Khvostenko was leader of the "auction" is not only co-wrote the songs, but to some extent also the spiritual guru. Tail, for example, opens a magical Lena algebraic Khlebnikov poetry, and soon with the "auction" to the surprise of many, it sang. So, 15 years ago there was the album "The Tenant of corners." Leonid Fedorov took years died tail. Fedorov found avant Volkov, has devoted a decade of solo albums, all of which hit the illogic and limitless. He knows how to stack in a melodic tissue Joyce and Vvedensky, Volokhonsky and cattle plots. Three years ago, re-time "AUCTION". Recorded with the "old way" Lena wanted more. Really good, "in a new way." Along with "auction" the studio took the guitarist Marc Ribot and keyboardist John Medeski. Then came the drummer Ches Smith. Today, they are all for Lena "RAZINRIMILEV" (in reading studied palindrome name and as "Velimir - Nizar" - that Nizar is Khlebnikov, who was born in the lower Volga considered useful). 15 years after the "Summit of the tenant" Fedorov dig to the core might velimirovskoy alchemy. "Hot knife JONS lisp / Ino laughed ohohoni width / Mind virgins lil witch / Bear Cat as virgins THE?-So." Try to sing it. Try to recite or read fluently at least in sight. Have little success. Fedorov is not only sings, he makes this hit, "Dance." Riotous is stupid fun in Razin seen and heard. What fascinates Khlebnikov and has a cipher verse, verse sound, verse-plot, and Fedorov pulls pulled. And okay Wolves - has its own, but the Americans (who wants - not that perevedesh sung) in such a "Razin" cut and it looks like a high. And filled all the "Rump" kayfovat, though, probably had, in order to increase the immersion give the public the text of the poem. Talents, and not even done the whole palindrome. For all its drama and monolithic (despite the separation of text on the main screen) "live" to feed "Razin" incredibly difficult. Take evaluate the project emche. But of course there was the artistic Fedorov today. Although seemingly sitting, as usual, on the chair, purr squirmed, whispered and screamed, but the output is something like "Khovanshchina" as a one-man show ... Of "Razin" easily without "seams" went to songs from previous albums Fedorov. And "head to toe" "Winter is not", and "There's the ladies" from "Girls ..." and other issues, not to mention Khlebnikov "Bobeobi" clearly fit into the framework of the program. A shtatovskih guests to show full use of them, performing her free-spirited. "News"
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