Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Olga Aref'eva and "Kalimba" - OVO

This is not a concert DVD, as can be expected, and the record is one of the benefits of a performance group with the active participation of the Kalimba Olga Arefieva. It acted as an actress, singer, director and inspirer and patron saint of plastic theater. Staging is fully decorated with beautiful plastic images, lighting effects, reflections from water, burning torches, nudity and other. As usual in today's performance theater, the story is not. A series of spectacular images should the viewer to self-reflect on the mysteries of the universe. Kalimba theater is in line with the "art of representation" is not very popular in Russia. We love poperezhivat, sympathize with the character. We need to get my heart bleeds, and no less. A cold ground movements are unlikely to cause the audience with a different feeling out of breath, as everything is beautiful. In Russia, such experiments with plastic inner-theater "Harlequin" (his head went into the business), of the theater, "The Tree" (moved to full power in Germany) and who in suspended animation Plastic Drama Theatre n / p Giedrius Matskyavichusa (disease maestro) lives. The active, if the Moscow musical theater called for Visual Arts at Basman and Omsk Plastic Drama Theatre "man". The Credit DVD gratefully mentioned former St. Petersburg Theatre "The Tree", from which we conclude that it was the company Adasinsky a role model and inspiration for the young group "Kalimba" is. OVO features high performance culture plastic movement and symbolism built into the anthropological cult. Actor deliberately turned her body in clay to model characters. They can easily move from epoch to epoch, because what she is saying about timeless things. Steps to pour a human embryo, Spider-Man, man-doll, the perfect man by Leonardo da Vinci, a man of arms and legs. Kaleidoscope of images quickly stringing anthropological clothes on a bright mark on the deepest level. It seems to be that the players go into space, to show that they there is something symbolic and eternal. Of course we have to ask more musical aspect of the performance. Of course, no known songs have Olga Arefieva not we hear the playback. But onomatopoeia complained in a spirit of Diamanda Galas - sound. However, most of the audio track are still out ambient electronic noise, interspersed with a variety of bells and chimes. I can not help but to mention such an obvious fact. Olga desperately in many scenes reminded his penetrating look beautiful Julia Roberts. In addition to performance includes various other productions preview kalimba, and a video for the song Arefieva "Werewolf". The video was shot at one of the concerts Arefieva and video are almost entirely of fragments of the play OVO DVD encourages followers together of the "beautiful" avant-garde visuals and performances. Not recommended for those looking for songs Arefieva and "Ark". Vadim Ponomarev, "Branch Out" 2006 Assessment News Music: 7/10.

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