Friday, December 28, 2012

Leonid Fedorov, Vladimir Volkov - "Waves"

The next album Fedorov and Volkov is not at the end of December, as it was closed, and in the spring. Wait too busy to December Fedorov - a material with an unplanned speet speed. In fact, after the albums lean years in the "AUCTION" flow solo works Fedorov particularly impressive. CD. Ulitka Records, 2009 After numbing the area, which caused the first solo albums, all the new work that is already can be crystallized style. The course is almost everything - all new poems Ozersky, old songs and stories tail Vladimir Volkov. Technology perfected. It seems to take Fedor Volkov voice site "," and a year not 2-3, and hundreds of versions. However, the quality of work continues to be the highest and perhaps almost unattainable for many Russian avant-garde rock level. Primarily on the ability to maintain a strong Leonid Fedorov song form in the atonal visual media. And the brilliant improvisation Vladimir Volkov. Leonid Fedorov, Vladimir Volkov - "Waves", "Wave" again demonstrated the holographic image of the cozy or nervous moaning bass / viola da gamba, convulsive shock rhythm guitar, intentionally Basten podstukivany computer and soft-spoken Fedorov. Text is almost, but he plays the role of a priori lexical formalin, dissected the fluttering emotions-headed kid named Leonidas swims. Closer to the last album - the nine-storey "Wall HN", which connects the narrator ideologues OIG Dmitry Itzkowitz. Melodic finds this time Leonid Fedorov like much less. "Top Down" begins rock 'n' roll of the ostinato bass, rhythmic rippling piano and simple percussion. Gradually nashpigovyvayutsya psychedelic guitars and bass solo bekanyami mekanyami and Fedorov. Chorus is perhaps the melodic element in this design intentionally confused, although quite a recognizable melodic tradition Fedorov. "Forbidden" by fully-songs like "Monte Cru" or even to the brim with special abilities Fedorov advanced vocabulary and music soaked in the molecule and again skristallizovat their special way. "Silence" - full of avant-garde rock opera "Jubilation" - an ironic reference to Beethoven's "Ode to Joy." "Gently" with magical bass cry in the same tradition, filled culminating stubborn spoken word "iron". Leonid Fedorov further assigns the words and music to the molecules, the closer it is to the academic tradition. Rating: 9 out of 10. Guru Ken, for the publication of "private correspondent" Tracklist Leonid Fedorov, Vladimir Volkov - "Waves" 01 Su 02 From top to bottom 03 Waves are 04th 05th Monte crew Forbidden 06th Silence 07th Black and white 08th Joy 09th In the dream, the lower 10th Gently 11th Ox HN 12th Whether

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