Friday, October 18, 2013

Aftermath E goes on tour in France

Folk Group E Otava go to the end of March on tour in France. Aftermath E is in the north of France hold for 6 days, and it is to play for the 5 concerts in several cities. - This is our second trip to France, - Alexey Belkin. - Two years ago we played at a big festival Festival of Traversées Tatihou, in northern France. The festival takes place on the island, and the thing is that the audience came to the island at low tide, and immediately after the concert to go to catch up to the flood. Sold then click on our show all the tickets were (in Hall 1000 seats) - which is good for the club Petersburg group. The festival organizers were very pleased with our performance very happy and asked us to come up with a more extended visit. Especially for a trip to France group prepared a song in French. It has become a tradition for the St. Petersburg Folk Group. For example, on tour in Latvia certainly musicians perform only two songs in Latvian. On a trip to France a new concert season starts before - Estonia, Latvia, Portugal and Holland. 20/03/2012 - France - La Haye Pesnel, Lower standard Espace Du Bocage. 21.03.2012 - France - 6 place cousin Auguste Saint-Sauveur-le-Vicomte, Lower standard. Salle le Normandy. 22/03/2012 - France - Quettehou, Halle aux Grains. 03/23/2012 - France - Saint-Sauveur-Lendelin, Espace Culturel. 24/03/2012 - France - Flamanville, Le Rafiot.

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