Friday, October 18, 2013

Ludmila Nikolaeva: It is important to make the audience experience to sympathize!

Ludmila Nikolaeva, head of the "Russian soul", spoke about how to go to celebrate Fat Tuesday. - Mardi Gras is coming up, how do you celebrate it? - I do not believe that Carnival was a great trip, I am impressed by the 8th March and 23 February. We do not act specifically on Carnival nowhere, for festivals happen almost always on the road, and we save. But if we are still invited, it will be possible to address to whatever closed. Generally Carnival - it is very insidious holiday, because you want to eat all the time a pancake, preferably filled with chicken or meat, and it can add weight. Although I am very happy and bake pancakes and cakes. - What is the recommended universal pancake recipe? - I heard this anecdote: An old Jew became famous in the whole country, who could concoct the most delicious and aromatic tea. And now, just before his death, he called his friends and relatives. Then one of them said - you are always prepared an unparalleled tea. Discover the secret of death. And then the old man whispered: - Jews, welding spare no! So it is with pancakes: just do not feel sorry for the ingredients. More flour, milk and eggs - and luscious pancakes are guaranteed. - As an enthusiastic audience in recent years? - We have our repertoire is mainly traditional reticence, although some new songs. 19th February was performed for the first time a new song about my mother. We ordered off the Ukrainian composer Ruslan Quinta. This song was very cheerful. Hopefully it will be a hit. And another song recently recorded ... - What are you working with the writers? - I write my own music. A compose texts poet. Recently I've been working with Sasha Sergei, Yevgeny Muravyov Olga Berg. Olga creativity I particularly like, because it's always very lyric and filled with a kind of ethnic. - Videos will be shot in the near future? - Yes, just on a new song about my mother. I loved the video that we made to the song "Clouds" Lesha Gomanom years old. Director it so everything correctly calculated that not an empty shell, but the real story, the feelings of our viewers are caused. But for me it is very important to make the audience experience, empathize. - You have a lot of songs about love? What is love for you? - At our age, it's like children, grandchildren, nature, harmony. In general, the love - it is harmony with itself, when a man can love another more than usual. In 18 years, people are waiting for love, want 30 years with his family in 40 years, sees a person he was born to arrange. But in 50 years, and you can be fooled. Abroad, traveling the world in general 60-70. We have the opposite - baragozyat life and 60 summarize. - And yet, do not come true in your life? - I want more creative insight that was in my chest even more beautiful songs. Do you want to fall in love again and even get married. My ideal man - tall brunette is. Although always loved blondes. So life is unpredictable. Loved one, and was married to another man. I like honest and educated people. And to such a "zinger", was because I'll just relax, "eat", I am very, very lively, and I need to meet a partner. Together, we have a "nuclear blend." We should not be afraid to fill fill life - then not only be tasty pancakes, but every day fun. Olga ERMAK,

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