Snow cyclone captured province, not by stellar musicians fear. On Sunday, a group of "Mummy Troll" in Samara at full strength. Lagutenko and company traveled by train and the railway does not disappoint. Most of the artists were concerned that because of the declared state of emergency in the audience concert ignore. - We are afraid that the city covered with snow and prompted Samara residents at home at the weekend - Ilya said during the concert for their fans. - I got the idea - what do they do all the time? In reality it was not that bad. To you we come from Siberia, and I must admit, the snow in Samara, much more! I write music to sing, and nothing else in my life, I do not know ... Before the concert singer Ilya Lagutenko met with reporters. Favorite of the audience walked into the room, smiling as always. Seeing the crowd of journalists, nervous. - Allow me to a chair, and you sit on the couch - he told the board. And when Elijah still asked to take the sofa, said: - I sit on the edge of the armrest, she will be shy. Ilya was dressed, as always, a brand that says "KP". Gray pants, vest, suit shirt, silver shoes and a bow tie instead emphasizes the bright gray eyes. Asked if he had a personal stylist, Lagutenko answered with startling directness - Stylist - me. My parents told as a child: "If you want good, you do it all myself," - says Lagutenko. - At first I did not believe it, but in ten years, was convinced of the correctness of the words. You can not rely on anyone, unfortunately. In "learning" under the name Lagutenko sits fraudsters contemporary music singer compared to a toy factory. Mainly on the production of faceless Pokemon and Transformers To engage the public in order. With unusual speed Not far away, according to the singer, if not invite the audience to the concert and in the recording studio. People will be able to see, live, as the song is born, and in the process a very active role. By the way, the internet blogs on and "Live Journal" ("Learn"), there are users who are playing under the name of the singer. Elijah said that he answers fan mail only A man by the name Lagutenko in "Learn" is an impostor. - In the "Live Journal" I'm not registered, - says the singer. - You do not have anything to do with him. The only thing to talk yet, but the blog at, this site IKRA.TV who has created himself. In the film, I do not want to appear today hyped stars vie tout in numerous television shows: The trainer and film actor fight in the ring instead of boxers, the dancer stands on skates in the "Ice Age". Ilya Lagutenko literally bombarded with offers to star in a reality show, but the singer wants. Is emerging again on TV in an unusual manner characterize me quite interesting - - says Lagutenko. - Why portray circus acrobat, if I'm a singer. The film also does not want to act, I think, a complex actor. I write music to sing, and nothing else in my life, I do not know.
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