Monday, December 24, 2012

Ilya Lagutenko loves surfing, rum, and the television series "My Fair Nanny"

Ilya Lagutenko said "antenna" their favorite TV programs, and the fact that he may look in the Leisure series "My Fair Nanny". - Very bright spring secular event in Moscow, the presentation of the new album "Mergers and Acquisitions" was. Hall looked like all the gossip columns all our splendor of the new magazines, many of the known presence of people Vova. And during a recent tour of China, we meet up with the stars and history estra-dy, and the ministers. - I have made a number of TV sets in the home into cash: now - a big tele panel. I do not like the genre of talk shows, but we were with a group on a visit to the "Five Evenings" ("Channel"), sing their songs. I think this is better than no share some interesting arguments. Andrew Ma Lakhov - vysokoprofessio channel presenter. Nice to see on the screen and in the life of every Ian Churikova. Watched with interest catfish nye historical documentary films that made Elizabeth Sheet ("Russia"), - "What Where When?" - Is remarkable for-intellectual game. Our group has direct relevance to this program: we act repeated in mu-zykalnyh breaks and performed with pa-ness, even if invited. - KVN - this is not my genre. But I differ from the other team chit from his native Vladivostok. There's a guy who looks like me, it is reasonable to get parody of myself. Edita Stanislavnovna creative longevity is admirable - it holds lovely th artistic form. In addition, it has a whole dynamic participation pop-Charge of the Executive Board and the songs were given popular Chiyah thanks Edita Pehe, chat sounds today, not only in their performance. - I have used the mass of the effort to self-Vat-home feeling as comfortable as possible and experiencing water problems. But on the street corners byto conditions for musicians th that they practically perfect - imagine if, after the concert, suddenly nitsya clarify that there was no hot water? - Not long ago discovered the "Sex and the City" and realized that the show might indeed want to Xia. Stories that close to the real, expressive figures, funny clown-ki are. Tea set with joy, on our television set many good Chiyah autumn series. For example: "Six Feet", the "Six feet." In English as - In England, I have repeatedly visited the football-mat-chi. To say with all due respect for the sport that watching football on television is much more convenient! In the stadium Power Neutral at the wrong time - and then missed vazhnoe1 it-or-be "and televizo-ru all show a close-up, repeat all the interesting moments ... I'm a fan of surfing and this year, when we write Novalis the Dominican Republic, the whole group "Mama Troll" is to set "board." When can I go on a yacht -. I have no Zago-home, but in the early years of the "Mummy Troll" we had. a "Mummy-home" Balashikha, where she lived the whole group. zyaev The previous high was some plane dovye shrubs that if we were wild. The main decoration of the ground was a big Christmas tree, and the new year, dressed we -. especially cautious people - musicians and athletes Almost no one who to spend their holidays actively way we do it is only water loves water and characters are friendly to us Pretending to now without injury -..... the cooking shows not go and I will not go. But do something for friends in the pre-Sug - why not? I work from the Chinese vegetable dishes kuh-NO. I've lived a long time alone, so I can th themselves and to feed others. - Although I am not a big fan of Western'm Clint Eastwood has deep respect he devoted so many years to a genre, and then successfully engaged in very different directions! But his latest Oscar-winning film "Million Dollar Baby" is not seen, and in the meantime do not Lania - I do not like boxing. - Sometimes I watch TV series "My Fair Nanny". He's funny and sometimes arouse laughter. Saw series "Men of Steel": make-events in recent years vyglya DYT-plausible, but at least as I imagine. - The death of Natalia Gundare hand - a great loss to the film, and for the country as a whole. It was not only a remarkable state artists. In all of his roles are not similar to each other (from the hostess to Dulsinei orphanage), it embodies a special kind of woman-strong, but also romantic-ing, increased, but very earthy, nevydu-manna available. - Sometimes discovery of new drinks. For example, in Dominica Nikanov found a great rum, but not exported to Russia. But to be honest, mainly, I pisnya nonpavilis distribution bottles, where the rum is bottled. Mi-ni-bar in the house, I do not - if I'm having a party, each guest brings with him what he wants to drink himself and what he wants to treat others. - From last impressions - film "Friends." The plans must-see the next "Star Wars". I love these blockbusters. Going to "9 Songs" by Michael Winterbottom see. In general, cinemas just go on tour.

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