Saturday, May 25, 2013

Vitas - "Crane cries Homecoming 2."

Vitas clearly one of the most unusual events on the national pop scene has become. He is under the strict guidance of his producer Sergey Pudovkin records so ambiguous that it's time to share the land in those sickening sound of a singer himself, and his wild joy. Yes, I still recall the incredible success of Vitas the Chinese audience. One of the two clips on the album only shows clearly what is going on at the concerts of 6500 spectators - recalls and Tokio Hotel and The Beatles and Muslim Magomayev prime career. Vitas - "The Homecoming Crane cries second" Format: CD. Genre: Rock Style: pop ballad, Euro-pop. Subject: friendship, love, patriotism. Mood: lyrical, memories, passion, indifference, envy. Hits: None. But will listen now to the album, and the hit is no material in it is not recognized. Song about in single file close and gray to ugliness (of course taken internationally "Jamaica" does not count). Therefore, it is not in the songs. Namely, in the well-designed image Vitas. For those who heard the last song by Vitas "Opera No. 2" (that is, the debut) performed, explained that the singer now almost abandoned the simple use of all Vocoder. And the most common sings mostly in falsetto. Producer nashpigovyvat course not to forget, vocal another computer tasty things - but they are on the periphery. They are like dessert. For it soon became clear that a live audience is impressive falsetto much more if it was not shy (what happens Presnyakov Jr.). And here's the paradox. Vitas conjure all the songs, as usual recitation of "nepevcheskim" voice, it goes in the high register. And the same thing - do not get to make it as clean, to correlate with the standards of Vitas pop falsetto. With the same in the song Freddie Mercury Exercises in Free Love. The moment of transition to register from the register - the weak link Vitas. Trembling gluhnet voice and falsetto begins with open fake bank notes that "pulls" in the worst traditions of the desired height Vitas. And then all kinds of decorative distraction opevaniyami and vibrato. The most obvious example - the title track, "Crane Crying", which shows all soldering cycles missing from the register. On the other hand delivers a past musical material (composed entirely Vitas), the singer in every song his show "trick." It is hard to imagine how such a service would have appeared in the song Konstantin Meladze, for example. But Vitas talk to Pudovkin sensible and cynical - People hawala, so writing songs ever from its own head for a dozen albums. By the way, about the Chinese. Many paradoxical interest Vitas. But we have to know the Chinese culture music. Sing falsetto men - very traditional Chinese opera characters. If Russia and Europe is part of the homosexual aesthetics and Vitas for an unknown reason, science is distancing itself from this painting in China - this is just one of the roles of musical artists. Recalled by Roman Viktyuka "Madame Butterfly", where the women of the party dressed as a man, a brilliant falsetto vocals Eric Kurmangaliyev. Vitas sense of cultural background and aims to make a contribution. However, in the face of Vitas we have a phenomenon. Artist does not write traditional pop hits are not closer to the tradition of gay cabaret, a stranger to the euro-pop and American influences like hip-hop. Tune of "Princess" or "Lullaby" comes from the enchantingly beautiful music of Soviet composers and Gladkov Rybnikov. Sometimes in the restaurant "ballads" stumbles, sometimes muffled samopovtorov and truisms. Oh, Vitas talent as a composer very bad. And do not hit the bar, even in the face of the successful "Opera No. 2". The album "The Crane cries homecoming second" - the album, of course, pass a framework Vitas creativity in general. But it is very unusual for today castrate format times. Rating: 7 out of 10 in 2007 Guru KEN, a business newspaper "The View" "Quad-Disc". Track listing: 01 Crane Crying 02 Jamaica 03 angels without wings 04 Little Prince Princess 05 06 07 Poplar Sage 08 Old Calendar 09 I repeat your name Lullaby 10 11 01 BONUS Autumn Leaf Jamaica music video 02 Crane cries music video 03 ASIA tour 2007 real video

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