Friday, April 26, 2013

Leontiev not argue with Pugacheva

The most unusual gifts received on New Year Valery Leontiev on Monday after his speech in Norilsk. By a record number of his colleagues envy: He is the only crisis in the works for four nights in a row at one location. After speaking with Leont'ev for local shamans come and gave the pop star lore and ancient amulet. Amulets, as Leontiev said it will hold against diseases and misfortunes, and one of them ... press of misspoke "yellow". Leontiev has charm immediately after the concert last gift artists, not usually prone to the mentality and character of mysticism, particularly happy. "I really take for most misinformation printed about me," - he shared with "MC", and we immediately asked if Leontiev argued with Pugacheva about his refusal to participate in their "Christmas meetings". "Yes, I could not attend there - clear, lively debate in the press, to be an actor -. Concert I had these days, I promised to give an important political figures in October, and he could not reject Allah. by the way, I knew I was busy, so not invited because it is not in this sense. Briefly, this is the situation, which I hope that they still save the amulet. "Like the ancient amulet , gave the shaman Leontiev, the protection from the evil eye and minor complaints Spaniards who now learns the paternity can perceive pop star.

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