Sunday, April 28, 2013

Valery Leontiev: Narcissism not, there are many complaints on its

Valery Leontiev - one of the brightest artists on our stage. Live in this case, not according to the rules of show business. Does not sell personal life. Not flattering for exposed persons. Do not change the format of the media imposed. And, more recently, in order to avoid contact at all. - It is, as it is known today, many artists come to the scene. It is enough to have a child, a wife, a mistress (and sometimes lover) powerful man be ... - ... Or just a great big bag of money ... - And this is interesting because of or in spite of what you have become such an amount? - Definitely not answer, - explains the "Argumenty Nedeli" Valery. - But perhaps due to the overwhelming demand and a fanatical belief that I have no choice. Generally sing - it's the only life I can do. Previously, a lot of that has tried ... Rolled in a brick factory on the rails with the raw ore car from the press in the oven where the burning. Worked tesemschikom greaser on a flax mill. Two years located under the machine to the beach - could not then wash off for several years. Was a mail carrier, working at a construction site - to tell me all, that inspires the least. But took every opportunity to sing, especially in construction. The change of ends, all go home, and I was svezheoshtukaturennoe, go smell solution space, and it exercised in a loud voice. Involved in amateur performances. Creativity has all his free time. Already known what I go way. People paid money and have the right to see the stars is beautiful, sexy - your success many envy. But since you have visited and hard ... - It all started in 1982 when David godu Tuxmanov ppiglacil I nA cvoy avtopcky kontsept. I was in afishe zayavlen. But when he came to talk to the guard nA vaxte zayavil "Puckat HE veleno." I pozvonil pedaktopu kontsepta. Ona zapydala in phone and ... Generally vce pokazyvali paltsem navepx DURING Verily He nazyvaya imen nikakix. Who nevzlyubil menya, kogo ockopbil I or obidel? HE znayu threshold cey day. Severe were the days. In 1984 godu ideologicheckoe pukovodctvo the Central Committee and Minictepctva kultupy vce zhe vynuzhdeno was vypuctit menya ctsenu nA. Until that time, I was in Riga zapical albom c Raymondom Paulcom. He Togda gotovil in Mockve avtopcky vechep "Svyataya to muzyke lyubov". Otdal and mne vce vtopoe Otdelenie When he uznal ppo moi ppoblemy truly poctavil mockovckoe pukovodctvo in izvectnoct o tom, chto vechep HE coctoitcya if what He Leonteva puctyat ctsenu nA. Connection to the central committee of the negotiations. Since they are spitting usually itoge nA IT'S delo and 1984 I godu cnova ZAPEL in Mockve. VCE this mutnye gody moim domom was kontseptny zal "Oktyabr'skaya" in Pitepe. Mozhet potomu be chto tamoshny gopkom HE Nashel her mne ugpozy cuschectvuyuschemu MODE. Then there were new victories, struggles, successes, fans ... - You show the brightness can compete with the West. Why do not they show on TV? - It's a happy beput shou bolshim chiclom star guests. A chicto colnye kontsepty not need. I do not teppet mogu cidet in kpecle, oblozhenny venkami, kogda pozdpavlyayut Quorum you and you vodyat vokpug xopovody. Today, many people do not follow quality. The result is a bit weird and totally relevant to the creative process and success. I still do when I listen to their songs on the radio - I listen very carefully to their sound. Not narcissism, there are a lot of complaints to him. In the studio - this is a home - the other, the radio - the third. Difficult with television. After all, there are a lot depends on the operator, editor, there is a plan to say whether, if the eye can see ... - Creative meal? - The most important meal of the lack of time. Solid race. Good record live, with this week, then come back to finish. Basically, in the mode of Abraham received. Discussed recently with colleagues Western musical technology. There are, for example, Tina Turner wrote a song for two months! In our case, it is impossible. - Apparently, the defects are only visible to you. Fans, this is of little interest, and they still attack you with his love ... - Yeah ... (Smiles). I remember a time when I lived on Forest Street, near the Belarusian station. Ordinary entrance. But that's for the fans, the fans and the curious were very attractive ... People came to the station, they train in the morning and have nothing to deal with. Was a common situation: four clock in the morning the doorbell rang, "Hey, open the door, you want to see!" No sleep, no rest! You can imagine how I hated the neighbors! Well, fortunately I have been delivered from it, because I live in a safe house. An outsider can not enter without an invitation. Valery Leontiev - Many people consider a hermit. You basically have to give up friendships with their peers? They think that in the not show business? - Just to be around friends, I'm like, what is very personal. And never outdo useful contacts. Friends - is primarily a close family and like-minded people to me. As Laura Quint, David Tukhmanov, Raimond Pauls, Igor Sharp. To these people I owe big hits, his emergence as an artist. And - kind support. I appreciate the cooperation with Irina Allegrova. You grandchildren Sasha often in my home in Miami. - You're so stellar image and the surrounding environment, it is difficult to imagine at home. Despite your previous work, it seems that you fully adapted to life ... - (. Mysterious smiles) I'm still taking a tour with a boiler. Although today it seems to be and what. But nomadic life teaches survival. Thus, in a hotel room can cook potatoes in a circle. I love it! Yes, if a good herring, created with a cucumber Wow! - They say that you and your wife got away in growing exotic plants and vegetables? - My wife Ludmila really loves, care of the plants. For many years she grows mangoes. Not in Moscow, of course, but in our villa in Miami, where a long life. Committed long-haired dogs. I like to spend my vacation there. Relax and act freely, without thinking about it, fans and journalists. The appearance is not particularly think: heat, shorts, shirts, moccasins. When I come back, then go for a swim in a pool with friends, shop, go eat. By the way, to see them often and Madonna and Stallone ... - Today, many artists are forced to reduce the fees, not to fly with the "New Year chesom." And how to keep your customers? - In December I had concerts. Izhevsk, Baku, a city near Moscow ... Neither is canceled! Starring in "Old" and "New songs about the main thing" in the "Song of the Year". People still want to relax and have fun! So fees lost (laughs). Usually I do not participate in the "New Year Che" - I can not moonlight and does not like to entertain the audience with chewing. Therefore, until 14 February, I'm going to relax by the ocean. I always do, regardless of the crisis or not. Although I do not deny: it certainly increased my financial difficulties. In the spring I bought a villa on the coast of Spain in the city of Alicante. House - 350 yards and a half-acre garden. Plus wonderful neighbors - Victoria Beckham and Mikhail Gorbachev. But now the property for rent, as you take to pay back their investment and maintenance costs. Real estate agency, which I asked to find tenants judges week in a villa stay at 12 Euro. We will see what happens. - This year, you will find 60 - year anniversary. But suspicious look good. The secret? - Yes, I znaete whether kazhdy vechep train. Ha ctsene. Vce vpemya pabote in a IT'S camy glavny tpening. There was menya Odnazhdy takoy epizod, kogda on vacation za two bands mecyatsa I nabpal lishnix kilogpammov cem. For me it was a tragedy! Tak chto ezhednevnye ezhevechepnie, zatpaty enepgii truly kolichectvo dvizheny, kotopye I delayu ctsene nA, and they are usually depzhat. Pocmotpite nA Mayyu Plicetskuyu - ona popyadke during her years in polnom. The public, because it is necessary to appear, young, beautiful, successful. People paid money and have the right to see the stars is beautiful, sexy, perfect. - What would like to wish him and his fans in the coming year? - Some years ago I celebrated the New Year in Indian Kolkata. There was a swimming pool: the glasses with champagne, snacks allowed on stilts over the water. If you wanted something, you had to swim to the courts. So, I wish you all as easy to use intended and desired!

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